Source: Parker tells Niners that Crabtree will re-enter draft

I wasn't aware that people bought #25 jerseys because of Brees and Katrina. This arguement is complete rubbish. Reggie Bush was the most electrifying player in college football and that brought fans in.

Why would they perceive that the Colts were now going to be good without seeing Peyton take a single NFL snap? Thanks for supporting my arguement.

Which one is it?

Either they came for the electrifying money or the player. Either its all about the benjamins or it ist.
Which one is it?

Either they came for the electrifying money or the player. Either its all about the benjamins or it ist.

I haven't changed my justification. I'm saying they come to see the electrifying player.
Electrifying money? I don't even know what you mean.:headscratch:
Like I said, I have used very valid arguements to support my position. To sum it up once again, I'm saying that an NFL player should NOT be paid soley based on his NFL talent because that is not the only reason an organization drafts/signs them. That is really the main difference in our opinions. I do think the amount of money paid is too much, but you are completely leaving out other reasons organizations draft/sign players.