My apologies
That was not "serious", but you do seem to have issue with most of the picks made. For the most part, I think everyone is doing a pretty bang up job. This has been one of the more enjoyable mocks Ive participated in, and I look forward to another before the draft.
First, you must have not read the previous 10 posts that I have made regarding various teams and their picks. There are some teams that I think are doing a fantastic job and should be considered great GM material, especially Detroit and other individual picks. There are other GMs that make selections that I disagree with or offer my opinion on this....because its called a "discussion thread", and I thought we were supposed to be discussing the picks made?
Second, as WesDawg just alluded to...
as much realism as possible to keep the integrity of what we try to do here every year when we embark on this thread.
This is exactly my motive and hope when I do post. I just dont pull my ideas out of thin air. I look at each teams needs, cross reference it with the value of the pick at the time and make my suggestion or agree with the pick. Anyone else is able to do the same, and I just make an effort to let people know what I feel...
Do I think that Percy Harvin was the most immediate need for the Vikings...No. But do I think in real life if he fell to #22 to Minnesota that they would take him for the reasons I stated....absolutely yes. Im attempting to bring a measure of reality to this that I think is necessary.
If this is getting under people's skins....I'll gladly stop posting.