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  1. jjtweeks

    Saints hammered by NFL

    I am still not sold on the Saints being singled out. Now being made a harsh example of I am on board with. With how the NFL works these days and everything being economic I really can't see how this is at all unfair to the Saints. I get everyone's point other than that. I do believe that this...
  2. jjtweeks

    Saints hammered by NFL

    Tell that to Madoff :yellowlaugh:
  3. jjtweeks

    Does Palmer have what it takes to take the Raiders to the playoffs

    What do you guys think. I think the Raiders are a well rounded team and hopefully McFadden can make it a whole year. But does Carson still have what it takes to be a leader and a productive one at that to help this team.
  4. jjtweeks

    Saints hammered by NFL

    I hear ya with buddy but we are playing in a different time with a different focus on safety. Can you give me something recent.
  5. jjtweeks

    Saints hammered by NFL

    again, what other coaches tell their players to take out someone's ACL or other specifics that lead to possible season/career injuries. People/players say alot of things and rumors get started but facts/undisputed evidence can't be denied. I am sure every coach tells their players to hit them...
  6. jjtweeks

    Saints hammered by NFL

    well then enlighten those doubters with facts, not hearsay. Post links of audio, video, eyewitness testimony of where else this is happening in the NFL at this level.:popcorn:
  7. jjtweeks

    Last year Eli said it, this year Flacco runs his pie hole.

    Flacco has a great supporting cast yet comes out looking average so I think he is just blowing smoke but we'll see i suppose. He hasn't shown me anything to say he is anyway near great
  8. jjtweeks

    The downhill spiral continues

    Ryan Leaf, one of the if not biggest draft busts in NFL history is in trouble yet again relating to painkillers. This time he is arrested for breaking into an acquaintances home to steal prescription pain meds. This is not the first time and police are looking into other burglaries that may be...
  9. jjtweeks

    3 Pre-draft deals that need to happen

    Same here, not too fond of #1 but love # 2 and #3 sounds great too
  10. jjtweeks

    Saints hammered by NFL

    When someone goes into a lineup when they commit a crime and they are "singled out" it is not due to any sort of unfairness but rather the fact that they are guilty. Not much difference here. There is not near the amount of "evidence" against any other team as there is against the Saints right...