Saints hammered by NFL


the players are saying this type of banter by a coach is pretty standard.

of course this type of behavior can not be condoned. i certainly don't condone it.

however, i think it's foolish to pretend this type of behavior has just now evolved.

singling out the Saints for this sin is just ludicrous and lazy.
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again, what other coaches tell their players to take out someone's ACL or other specifics that lead to possible season/career injuries. People/players say alot of things and rumors get started but facts/undisputed evidence can't be denied. I am sure every coach tells their players to hit them hard, even knock them into next week but who are the guys who tell their players to end someones career. Sorry but I just can't take anyone's "word" for it. I'm not saying there isn't but no one is showing me otherwise.


It is very easy to hear what you want to hear.

I hear a coach talking to players and working them up into a lather.
No player wants to hurt another player simply because what comes around goes around.

However, I hear a coach telling his players to remind the opponent about injuries, and get into their heads with the idea that those injuries are close by.

and to answer the question about who has done this before?

ummm, Buddy Ryan?


I hear ya with buddy but we are playing in a different time with a different focus on safety. Can you give me something recent.


there was that coach who tried to hurt players on special teams.

look, i just think too much weight is coming down on one person here.
That is it, that is all, that is my entire point.

we have become a culture of scapegoating.
and I just can't believe nailing the Saints to the cross is the right thing to do.

The NFL coaches are a prideful bunch, but until they step up and confess their sins, they are and will be, just a bunch of sissy's to me.

There is talk of how each game is like going to war. I've been in a war. And these men are not men until they profess their own accountability.

Their silence is deafening.

We all know other coaches have done this.
Why aren't those coaches standing up and being men?
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Staff member
In the audio snippet presented here, I don't see a whole lot of difference between Williams' motivational tactics and those used by high school cheerleaders.

"Kill The Colonels"

"Maul The Lions"

"Skin The Cougars"

"Massacre The Indians"

"Kill the head, you kill the body".

If taken literally, players would have...on the kick-off...raced to the sidelines and bashed Smith's head into the bench.

Where is the part in the speech where Williams says "Let's not take any stupid penalties". If not in this speech than in many others, I'm sure.

Where is the statistical data that supports the murderous conspiracy theory?

Were more players injured while playing the Saints than any other team?
Did the Saints lead the league in "Unnecessary Roughness" or "Unsportsmanlike Conduct" penalties?
Were more Saints ejected from games than any other squad?

I dunno the answer but I'd bet the results don't support the commissioner's accusations.


Tell that to Madoff :yellowlaugh:
good point, but you get the gist.

OK, my last words on this matter:

The NFL is trying to act like the North in the Civil War.
Like the North was pure, sure.

At least in the Civil War there were actual MEN who stood up, right or wrong.

These head coaches in the NFL are not men. Hiding in silence. Protecting their own lively-hood while asking players to risk theirs on a day-to-day basis. Challenging those players, saying if they can't play with pain, they are not men.

It's a giant turd-swirl.

And that's the point.


Well-Known Member
wheres rc to tell you all you're wrong? haha i guess when reason prevails those guys arent around


I am still not sold on the Saints being singled out. Now being made a harsh example of I am on board with. With how the NFL works these days and everything being economic I really can't see how this is at all unfair to the Saints. I get everyone's point other than that. I do believe that this happens to some extent all over but guess what, the Saints "made their bed" now they have to deal with it. The NFL is a money making machine and when something happens to harm that they are going to be made an example of. Williams is a total dirtbag and I feel for Payton and the Saints. At that level in the NFL and the money they make because the NFL is the way it is you have to be held accountable. The level of stupidity in making specific threats and making them payable just totally stumps me. They could have done it like Buddy Ryan and got away with it. Now he was smart.
Wrong is wrong no matter to what degree it is.


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
Even though he is wrong. Oh, and he STILL has not proven that the Saints were targeted. ONLY. Last I saw my thread on all other teams being investigated equally has gone unopinioned on. Not that I am surprised. Oh, and Giz, want good logical discussion? Try starting with one.