I still disagree, and have seen the same footage as you. I also call out some officials that are retired are agreeing with me. Not saying I am totally right.....
Curious as to what percentile you feel your take or view falls into amongst ALL who have viewd. What do you think the divide is?
Just curious
I realize they are much worse. I would rather watch it with these refs though than see even more money go to these overpaid part time workers who quite frankly do a crappy job nowhere near worth what they get paid.
The new deal simply means increased cost to the fans, a cost that is already beyond the means of which most can afford.
One wonders what difference it makes. Since when does popular opinion make something right?
The league decided to disregard any bad tweets by the Packers following the interception that wasn't.
Just curious, when players badmouth officials, aren't they usually fined by the league? Been quite a bit of that going on via twitter and such. Haven't heard about the league stepping in on that.
Calling a spade a spade. Goodell admitted as much in his apology today. They weren't up to it, and it wasn't thier fault.....it was the NFL's. Apology accepted Roger![/ ]
Now make it right, reverse the call and GB wins. If he really is sorry, then do the right thing.
Yeah, I didn't think so, Apology not accepted by efactor! I'm sure that will ruin his life.............![]()