Replacement Refs- Blown calls

Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

I have a couple of takes on this. First it was a bad call, IMO not even close. Second seldom does a game goes by that the regular refs didn't blow a call, even using instant replay. We've all bitched about them for most of our lives so let's not put them up on some throne and crown them kings. Lastly, I discussed this game in depth with a longtime football fan that has not leanings towards either team and he, like Dawg and yes a commentator on the NFL Network today, believes the call was correct. I think the three of them are full of it but if this man that I've known since birth can see it the way it was called, even after replay then I can understand, maybe, why the refs got it wrong.
Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

Why not do what the NHL does and have a specific league office review EVERY score?
Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.


Ok now seriously I didnt read all 79 comments so this might have been said before. It doesnt matter who caught the damn ball the entire play is reviewable and there was blatant offensive pass interference.. GAME OVER.. but a loss is a loss and its over!! Throwing the hat at Ogletree when he wasnt even out of bounds is a little more scary to me. They had the oppurtunuty to review this and they still blew it and Im sure there is a voice in those headphones telling them what to say anyway. They would have burned that stadium to the ground 70,000 strong and thats why the SEAHAWKS won.;
Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

Well, it does matter that the integrity of the shield that the league always preaches is put in such jeopardy, arguably by themselves. If the game isn't played correctly, nobody really deserves any accolades or championships and the game itself essentially means nothing. See the 02 NBA playoffs/finals... (or the 1919 White Sox, for that matter) The refs fixed games, admitted to it, and hopefully the league will one day strip the Lakers of that title since they were handed it undeservedly and officials had admitted to fixing games throughout the playoffs. It will probably never happen, but, in my mind, that's an illegitimate champion and an illegitimate season. If this mockery of officiating goes on much longer, the bears could run the table and it wouldn't count for ****. It would be an illegitimate title during a season officiated by buffoons and rejects masquerading in official gear. Would really be sad if this is not rectified soon, as this is still just the BEGINNING. Each week we see players, coaches, etc. losing more respect (for officials... ie fistfights, crying for pi, knowing illegal contact is out etc), lobbying and getting calls, and timid officials that are afraid to call and do anything because they are cognizant of their own ineptitude and lack of qualification for the job which they have been charged. So yes, it matters what REALLY happened on the field. Yes, the integrity of the game is important. It's of paramount importance, in fact, because it doesn't matter who wins in a league that doesn't follow rules or have a strong guideline for play. The longer this goes on, the worse it is for everybody, even if it does result in a bunch of "automatic Bears."
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Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

OKay first I admit I did not read all. Here is my opinion, I am not an expert on the rules, so take this for just that, opinion.

I agree with the league and officials in that blatant Off. Pass interference was not called. Had it been, the whole play would have been negated, game over and Pack wins.
Now, PI is NOT a reviewable call, nor can the replay official call PI during review, they can only confirm control of ball in bounds for Tds.

I also don't think this was a clear cut interception. Folks as I understand it, who has the ball when it is originally caught is not the contention, its when they hit the ground. I will say without a doubt that Jennings got to the ball first, and was controling it, but he did not have SOLE control when he hit the ground, at the point both hit, tate had his hand around the ball, between Jennings and the ball. To me that is a shared catch, and in that instance the tie goes to the receiver.

Now, the head official blew this by not confering with refs first, THEN going to review. By going to review,he made the call a TD, and made the decision to overturn ONLY if one or both had possession of the ball when feet were down. I am sorry, I know I am in the minority, but when both or one are on the ground or touching, both had some control. Thus a TD, and cannot be overturned.

Again, this was a horrible situation, but lets get what is wrong straight.
Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

Can anyone find and post the still shot of jennings on the ground with total possession?
This will put Phicin's post to rest. It's out there, i just can't find it. If you have watched ESPN at all, you have seen it, and if you have seen it you have no arguement.
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Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

OMG. Every ex NFL player who is on TV (tons of them) say it is a clear interception. These boys know the rules, so their credibility is pretty good. I have not heard one say say even maybe they got it right. Fitzgarald and Cruz both were on saying it was a clear pick as well, so again, guys in the know. The league is covering up, just like they always do.

If you break anything down far enough, you can find possible justification. Maybe OJ was sleeping when the limo driver was knocking at the door and maybe he cut his hand when he broke a glass in the hotel room. Now this didn't happen and every logical person knows it, but 12 idiots were convinced he was innocent, so there are parallels here.

It was an INT. Plain as day. They had the opportunity to make it right, but didn't have the stones to do it and is the true tragedy here. Missing it on the field was bad, but understandable considering the overall situation with these guys, but replay is supposed to fix it. Replay is supposed to protect the game against these guys making mistakes. The replay official is an NFL REAL official, not a scab official. His job is to get the call right. He failed. The sad part is that if the game is in Green Bay, I guarantee you that the play is called the other way.

Pathetic and I still feel dirty over this as a fan of the game I love.
Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

They keep saying viewership is up so there is really no reason for owners to take notice and quickly correct this mess. What no one is talking about is WHY viewership is up???? It's not because of the product on the field or the story lines..........Are You Ready For This?

It is because Fantasy Football is HUGE!!!

All the vast majority of the viewers care about is WHO SCORED or Who GOT SCREWED!
Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

The regular refs make horrible calls and miss obvious penalties ALL THE TIME

Outcomes of games have been decided by bad calls for years.

I think the replacements should get together and walk away now, and tell the fans and players where they can stick their criticism.

These people are filling in and doing the best they can to fill on and keep the league going while a group of mistake prone, highly overpaid refs hold out for even more money.
Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

I agree 100% Mike. However it's being reported that a new deal with the refs has been reached and we'll soon have those over paid refs back on the field. I hope no one that has raised hail about how bad the replacement refs were has a thing to bitch about when the regular refs blow there regular amount of calls the rest of the season. Especially those calls that are blown even with the aid of replays.
Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

I agree and am not upset at all with their effort. What bothers me was the replay official who IS NOT a replacement. He is a regular and not part of this mess. I know one of the guys who reffed that game. He's from Amarillo. He wasn't involved in the call. He is done, and won't ref another game.
Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

Too me the biggest problems with the replacement refs was not the missed calls but the actions by the players themselves and the coaches as well. The first three weeks looked like a grade school classroom with the kids (players) taking advantage of the subs when the regular classroom teacher is out sick.
Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

The only good to come out of the total screw-up Monday night was the owners KNEW they had to end this lockout on the refs. That alone tells us all we need to know.
Mike is totally right, but I do believe this is worse. Also, it really does appear that they are guessing and or appeasing sometimes. I would have thought on here there would be more mention of sid rice's face rape of shields which game the seahaks 30 yards. Also, RC, you in all likelihood hate the colbert report, but they did a really nice piece about your point in how the "ratings have never been better." You really should see it.
Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

The regular refs make horrible calls and miss obvious penalties ALL THE TIME

Outcomes of games have been decided by bad calls for years.

I think the replacements should get together and walk away now, and tell the fans and players where they can stick their criticism.

These people are filling in and doing the best they can to fill on and keep the league going while a group of mistake prone, highly overpaid refs hold out for even more money.

Oh please...........

Sure, mistakes are made by the regular refs. Impossible to catch everything at the pace of NFL play, and of course, human error. But not even close to what is happening now. Even the basic rules of the game are not understood by these guys. No comparison. Other than the Tuck play, I don't recall a single play that has been so heavily criticized. They blew the call and then couldn't get it right on the replay.

I have always been for younger, better conditioned and full time refs, which is part of what the league is negotiating for. Hard for a 65 year old man to run down field with an NFL receiver. Hopefully, they can agree on this as part of the new package.
Yea, even though reg refs blow calls and make bad decisions as well there is no comparison to the lack of professionalism that the replacements have, It's not their fault , they are just not up to the task. They are not even good enough to ref higher level college games. You are right in that they are doing the best they can but their best is nowhere good enough for the NFL. If Green Bay would have won that game I would have felt that the hawks got robbed by the refs(not because of that last play). GB had a number of penalties that were unwarranted on 3rd downs that kept their last scoring drive alive. So yes reg refs make bad calls and games have been decided because of that in the past but the ratio of bad calls between the replacements and the regs is astronomical.
Re: Week 3 MNF Packers @ Seahawks.

This will put Phicin's post to rest. It's out there, i just can't find it. If you have watched ESPN at all, you have seen it, and if you have seen it you have no arguement.

I still disagree, and have seen the same footage as you. I also call out some officials that are retired are agreeing with me. Not saying I am totally right.....
I realize they are much worse. I would rather watch it with these refs though than see even more money go to these overpaid part time workers who quite frankly do a crappy job nowhere near worth what they get paid.

The new deal simply means increased cost to the fans, a cost that is already beyond the means of which most can afford.