New England vs. Indy - Inflategate?!?!?

Okay more has come out, and the more grand standing I see, the more I believe AFTER the superbowl we will learn more.

Per reports from PFT and ESPN and Fox sports:
1) 24 balls were tested prior to game.
2) Of those 24 balls - 11 tested at half time were under inflated, around 2lbs or possibly more
3) Those 11 balls were all N.E. balls, none of the balls used by Indy were deflated or over inflated.
4) After officials released the balls for use, a NE employee took the 12 balls for NE and left the referee room with them and was out of touch for over 90 seconds. Video of this has come out.

Now, what to me does this say?
1) only NE balls effected. So had this been an "air pressure or Weather related issue" then all balls would be effected. Now for those that say Indy's could have - then why aren't they being investigated, for them to have a 2lb drop or more and still be legal, they had to be OVER the limit.
2) because it was ONLY NE's balls, you have to assume some tampering happened. I seriously doubt they will prove it was Bellichek or Brady, but I do think post suprebowl, so equipment manager will take the fall for it.
The single most untruthful comment in this deflategate scandal is his stating that they have done absolutely nothing wrong!! Give me a TRUCKING BREAK!!! lol! dude is the definition of crooked!