I agree but pay attention. They are saying he is basically on his last "strike" and will face up to a year suspension if he fails another screen
According to The Plain Dealer, Gordon faces a one-year banishment from the NFL if he fails another drug test. This means the Browns have to re-evaluate the long-term future of Gordon, and as a result, their entire wide receiver position.
from espn blog
He is claiming it was from a perscription cough syrup. This is getting out of hand. If some of these suspensions are coming from doctors perscriptions they should start suing the NFL. Everyone has the right to select the doctor of their choice and the right to medical privacy
So you are saying the NFL has the right to disallow proper medical care ???
Kinda my point. NFL is way over stepping there "Power" Are you trying to say that the NFL has the right to tell Doctors how to do their job, Has the right to tell anyone who they can or can't see for medical advice, or that any employer has the right to all of any employees medical files/information ??
Answer those three questions with a yes or no
Does your employer tell your doctor how to do his job ???