Gordon suspended 1st 2 games


for violating substance abuse policy. This hurts fantasy owners as well as Browns fans as this young kid was cleary headed for a breakout season.
So in a keeper league would you still keep him? I would have to give up my last round pick if I keep him. Is he worth it?
Really, I think many over react to these short early season suspensions. He will still have a nice year and now you can grt him a couple rounds later. You can plan to cover him for 2 weeks. I wouldn't drop him too much on your rankings based on this.
I agree but pay attention. They are saying he is basically on his last "strike" and will face up to a year suspension if he fails another screen
I agree but pay attention. They are saying he is basically on his last "strike" and will face up to a year suspension if he fails another screen

Yeah, I'm more worried about "the next time" than I am about the 2 games this year. Hope the young man is smart enough to realize his career is more important than getting high (I think it was weed and not codine). Try making that kind of money in the real world. Don't F this opportunity up............
Not sure how it works eggzactly. Can they go from 2 games to 1 year, or does he still have a 4 gamer in his pocket ?? Pretty sure if it was weed it would be a 4 gamer
they are saying this recent event was failing for codeine but that it put him in "stage 3" suggesting he has failed a test previous or entered into the league already with a "strike" against him
from espn blog

According to The Plain Dealer, Gordon faces a one-year banishment from the NFL if he fails another drug test. This means the Browns have to re-evaluate the long-term future of Gordon, and as a result, their entire wide receiver position.

He is claiming it was from a perscription cough syrup. This is getting out of hand. If some of these suspensions are coming from doctors perscriptions they should start suing the NFL. Everyone has the right to select the doctor of their choice and the right to medical privacy
from espn blog

He is claiming it was from a perscription cough syrup. This is getting out of hand. If some of these suspensions are coming from doctors perscriptions they should start suing the NFL. Everyone has the right to select the doctor of their choice and the right to medical privacy

Come on. Sue the NFL?

The player has to know enough to ask questions about what is in the prescription and know if he can take it or not. They have a list of banned drugs so ask the doctor if it's OK to take this. Simple IMO.
So you are saying the NFL has the right to disallow proper medical care ??? Sounds like wrongfull dismissal/loss of income to me :shrug:
So you are saying the NFL has the right to disallow proper medical care ???

I'm sure there is proper medical care for a cold that doesn't involve codeine, so yeah...........

"Doctor X, does this drug you are prescribing have any of these banned substances in it? If so, can you prescribe something that will work that doesn't have any of these?"

Something like that. Now certainly, if the situation were life threatening serious, then I would advocate the NFL being flexible, but you can't have rules in place on drug use and then let them slide for something as simple as a cold.
Kinda my point. NFL is way over stepping there "Power" Are you trying to say that the NFL has the right to tell Doctors how to do their job, Has the right to tell anyone who they can or can't see for medical advice, or that any employer has the right to all of any employees medical files/information ??

Answer those three questions with a yes or no

Does your employer tell your doctor how to do his job ???
The NFL is well within their right to ban substances.....know the rules of your job, it's that simple. There are other methods to treat a "cold" than taking a banned substance. Prescribed or not, you are responsible for what goes into your body.
Kinda my point. NFL is way over stepping there "Power" Are you trying to say that the NFL has the right to tell Doctors how to do their job, Has the right to tell anyone who they can or can't see for medical advice, or that any employer has the right to all of any employees medical files/information ??

Answer those three questions with a yes or no

Does your employer tell your doctor how to do his job ???

What point did you make?

The NFL has a right to have banned substances and every player in the league should know them. Take the Irwin suspension for instance. The drug he took is legal with prescription, so he should have gotten a prescription. He didn't and got suspended. He knew he was wrong and didn't appeal.

Apparently codeine isn't OK even with a prescription, so he should make sure the drug prescribed doesn't have codeine.

A) The NFL isn't telling the doctor how to do their jobs. There are plenty of effective cough syrups without codeine, so it is up to the player to make sure anything prescribed doesn't have a banned ingredient on it.

B) The NFL does random drug testing. They didn't seek Gordons medical file. It came out because he tested positive for a banned substance. He's the one who said it was for a prescription cough syrup, not the NFL. The NFL has no way of knowing how it got in his system, so I don't see your point on this either.

C) My employer doesn't have any right to see my medical files, but if they have random drug testing and my doctor gave me medical marijuana, I definitely should make my employer aware of this prior to me lighting up if I value my job.
the point is the NFL does have a right to uphold thier rules and policies. If his doctor prescribed him medical marijuana it would that be O.K?. There are alternatives to everything. Think it also has to do with him being a repeat offender(hence whatever strike he's on now).
Does seem kind of silly to me as well but rules are rules and sounds like he's been warned before.

beat me to it