Cam's Comments


By now you know that Cam is in hot water over telling a woman reporter that it was funny that a female reporter was asking such questions about a receivers routes. Now I'm not a fan of Cam and over all I think he's a jerk but come on man. Were his remarks sexist or honest? The woman asked him about Funchess running "tree sticking routes." Never in my 6 decades of life have I heard such a question and most definitely not from a female of any sort. Not a wife, mom, friend, daughter nor reporter. I say it was a dam odd and possibly planted question and the sexist police have again gone loco. What is happening people. Common sense has gone out of the window. This is BS.

It's about as sexist as if I walked into a sewing Bee in Jigger, LA. and asked the dear sweet 80 years young lady on my left "why is that a Sailmakers stitch" I see you using there and her laughing at me. Would she be a sexist in this case? A question out of the ordinary form an unlikely source is funny and I'd never consider that lady of being sexist because I asked a question she had no idea I knew anything about.
LOL, it was blatantly sexist. The question was a good question, a standard type of question you get at that type of venue. He should have known better, another instance of Cam showing his immaturity.
I-d-i-o-t ... that spells losing sponsorship $.

Oh, and the reporter is no Mother Theresa, either. She's recorded on Twitter as using the n-word. Doh.
Funny thing is she apologizes, and media says that's ok. But if he apologizes, media rejects it as inexcusable.
The reaction on Twitter is priceless.

Women are outraged, but only white women.

Everyone who is black has Cam's back. Pledging to boycott Dannon now that they've pulled their sponsorships.

White men who aren't Panthers fans are torching Cam. Calling out hypocrisy for fighting for equality, but only for people who look like him.

White male Panther fans are ducking for cover and not saying a word.

Asians are like "what the fuck is a route? The way we take to grandmas house?"
And Hispanics are like, "Why you running a-route with my girlfriend?"

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Cam came off like a total douchebag. Totally disrespectful IMO. But if she's really out there dropping N bombs then F her too.
Cam came off like a total douchebag. Totally disrespectful IMO. But if she's really out there dropping N bombs then F her too.
For what it's worth, I think she was referencing a white personal when she said it. I don't know the rules on what context actually translates to racism.
The white person is Dale Earnhardt.

"Another tweet discusses Dale Earnhardt and uses the term “n***a,” a word that should never be used by anyone who’s not black." - HuffPo

So only white people are allowed to call other white people cracker?

No sense.

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The fact that we can't even say the N word while discussing the N word is hysterical to me.

We can't say "you're a faggot" but we CAN say "He called me a faggot"

We can't say "you're a controlling cunt" but we CAN say "He called me a controlling cunt"

We can't say "You're a N word" but we also CAN'T say "he called me an N word".

Dumbest sht I've ever seen. Especially since I've heard the N word more in the last 6 months than I've heard in my whole life. N words calling N words N words. ALL DAY LONG.

Humans are so stupid.
The fact that we can't even say the N word while discussing the N word is hysterical to me.

We can't say "you're a faggot" but we CAN say "He called me a faggot"

We can't say "you're a controlling cunt" but we CAN say "He called me a controlling cunt"

We can't say "You're a N word" but we also CAN'T say "he called me an N word".

Dumbest sht I've ever seen. Especially since I've heard the N word more in the last 6 months than I've heard in my whole life. N words calling N words N words. ALL DAY LONG.

Humans are so stupid.
Wait wait wait...

We can't say "cunt" now?

I was thinking this early when listening to the radio. The host was quoting someone who dropped the F bomb, and he said it over and over as "effing" to edit out the actual word.

ITS JUST A WORD!! It's 4 letters that don't actually mean anything. Depending on context it's a verb, adjective, etc etc. So for instance, if you say "we were fucking in the backseat" it means THE EXACT same thing as saying "we were having sex in the backseat."

Why is one more offensive and needing to be edited? It's not even a curse, nor is it blasphemy. Who decided this nonsense??
Wait wait wait...

Why is one more offensive and needing to be edited? It's not even a curse, nor is it blasphemy. Who decided this nonsense??
Just do it this way:

In front of a young child, can you say the word and not have an adult high brow your comments?

Your word to child, "oh honey, we were having sex"... vs "oh, little one, we were just fucking."

How about, "Johnny, is your friend gay?" Vs "Johnny, is your friend a faggot?"

So people (read: parents and teachers) use to okay with "butt" but not okay it with "ass."

Now both are okay. So, just stay away from genitals unless it's medical terms like "penis" and "vagina."

Again, just imagine if you would like it spoken to your own child.

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Just do it this way:

In front of a young child, can you say the word and not have an adult high brow your comments?

Your word to child, "oh honey, we were having sex"... vs "oh, little one, we were just fucking."

How about, "Johnny, is your friend gay?" Vs "Johnny, is your friend a faggot?"

So people (read: parents and teachers) use to okay with "butt" but not okay it with "ass."

Now both are okay. So, just stay away from genitals unless it's medical terms like "penis" and "vagina."

Again, just imagine if you would like it spoken to your own child.

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That didn't solve anything. I'm well aware that a parent would gasp at dropping the F bomb in front of a kid. The question is WHY?!? Why did we as people decide that it's such a no-no word?
Cam did a great apology. He did say "... the joke is on me." Hey Hillary, that's what self-reflection is like! Hillary, the joke is on you. NFL players, the joke is on you. CNN, the joke is on you guys.

P.S. Hillary book is horrendous! It's as much a train wreck as Megyn Kelly's new daytime show. Both ladies don't realize that people are pitying them.

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Kind of off topic a bit but do you guys know why God made women's feet so short?

It's to allow them to get closer to the sink when washing dishes. :eek:

Standing by for incomeing.:D
Okay I admit it, I haven't read this whole thread.

But my $0.02

Cam was stupid clear and simple. In this day in age, you can't joke like that, you simply can't, not on a public mike especially. It was a stupid sexist remark.

As for the reporter, she is just as guilty in the comments she made years ago. You simply can't be stupid in a public forum.

At the end of the day, it comes down to this world has gotten way to PC and sensitive, everyone is LOOKING for a way to judge and tear folks down. These two are professionals, and simply have to act like it.

I will add, to those still in college and what not...take a lesson here. Nothing on the web goes away, nothing. So if you have naked pictures, or stupid posts or you promote yourself in some stupid way... it can and WILL come back to haunt you.