By now you know that Cam is in hot water over telling a woman reporter that it was funny that a female reporter was asking such questions about a receivers routes. Now I'm not a fan of Cam and over all I think he's a jerk but come on man. Were his remarks sexist or honest? The woman asked him about Funchess running "tree sticking routes." Never in my 6 decades of life have I heard such a question and most definitely not from a female of any sort. Not a wife, mom, friend, daughter nor reporter. I say it was a dam odd and possibly planted question and the sexist police have again gone loco. What is happening people. Common sense has gone out of the window. This is BS.
It's about as sexist as if I walked into a sewing Bee in Jigger, LA. and asked the dear sweet 80 years young lady on my left "why is that a Sailmakers stitch" I see you using there and her laughing at me. Would she be a sexist in this case? A question out of the ordinary form an unlikely source is funny and I'd never consider that lady of being sexist because I asked a question she had no idea I knew anything about.
It's about as sexist as if I walked into a sewing Bee in Jigger, LA. and asked the dear sweet 80 years young lady on my left "why is that a Sailmakers stitch" I see you using there and her laughing at me. Would she be a sexist in this case? A question out of the ordinary form an unlikely source is funny and I'd never consider that lady of being sexist because I asked a question she had no idea I knew anything about.