Cam's Comments

Props to Cam on his apology. It was unscripted, off the cuff, and genuinely heartfelt. If he had rolled out there with some BS apology that he didn't mean just to save face, I'd have respected him less.

I've got more respect for someone who sticks by their guns. If you're not sorry, don't apologize.

Like this lady for example. Someone digs up old shit on her, and she jumps out with an apology. We know you're not sorry! That's old shit! You probably don't even remember it! And frankly, she has nothing to apologize for. Saying the N bomb doesn't equal being a racist! She wasn't even referencing anyone of color. This is like someone deciding that "cheetah" is now a racist term for blacks cause their fast. If you say "cheetah" while observing the cats at the zoo, you're now a racist. WTF??
Now you're insulting Usain Bolt!

It's all in the culture.

Cultural awareness that flipping the Middle finger to a co-worker can in fact cost you your job.

It's only a finger next to the index.

Article in Wash Free Beacon talks about journalism and its downfall.

"What passes for news today is speculation and advocacy, wishful thinking and self-fashioning, mindless jabber and affirmations of virtue, removed from objective reality and common sense. The content is intended not for the public but for other media."

Journalist and CNN do it to show to other journalist. It's not for public consumption.
Public knows what's going on.

They don't realize the joke is on them. Sad.

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I will add, to those still in college and what not...take a lesson here. Nothing on the web goes away, nothing. So if you have naked pictures, or stupid posts or you promote yourself in some stupid way... it can and WILL come back to haunt you.
Any of you with kids in HS or College should make your kids take the 1 sec and read this...yes...same thing they have heard a million times and ignore...they can't hear it enough! The hiring community WILL look at your web profile and some companies are using technology that makes them damn good at using it.
As far as Cam....just an ignorant comment for someone in his position. Yes...he apologized, great for him, what choice did he have? He should NEVER have put himself in that position, just no need. He needs to be smarter than that.
I never figured out what her tweets a few years back had to do with the question she asked?????? Her question wasn't racist at all. I was a legit question about Funchess stepping up and if that was good news for Cam.

Cam was being Cam........flashing a smile and being extremely arrogant.
I never figured out what her tweets a few years back had to do with the question she asked?????? Her question wasn't racist at all. I was a legit question about Funchess stepping up and if that was good news for Cam.

Cam was being Cam........flashing a smile and being extremely arrogant.
Her 5 year old tweets mean EVERYTHING to the Cam supporters.

She's not perfect. She's a racist. Now, he's allowed to condescend to her since she is a worse person than him.
I never figured out what her tweets a few years back had to do with the question she asked?????? Her question wasn't racist at all. I was a legit question about Funchess stepping up and if that was good news for Cam.

Cam was being Cam........flashing a smile and being extremely arrogant.
Tweets a few years back have nothing to do what she asked. It only matters in the context of whether the media cartel (aka lamestream media) has the hypocrisy to state that she's a "victim." Obviously, she's a good reporter, and she should just brush off (read: easily offended?). She can't go around claiming misogynist, when she was running around tweeting racist comments herself. The two don't have to jive; people just want to see/know the person in context of the incident.

Cam is an idiot and he's paying for it, whether that'd be effect on his two daughters or Dannon, just because he doesn't seem to do well in press conference (IMO) Take a look at SB press. And in this one he got off mouthing about how women knowledgeable about running routes.
Tweets a few years back have nothing to do what she asked. It only matters in the context of whether the media cartel (aka lamestream media) has the hypocrisy to state that she's a "victim." Obviously, she's a good reporter, and she should just brush off (read: easily offended?). She can't go around claiming misogynist, when she was running around tweeting racist comments herself. The two don't have to jive; people just want to see/know the person in context of the incident.

Cam is an idiot and he's paying for it, whether that'd be effect on his two daughters or Dannon, just because he doesn't seem to do well in press conference (IMO) Take a look at SB press. And in this one he got off mouthing about how women knowledgeable about running routes.
To be fair, she didn't say anything racist.

She laughed at racist jokes. Who hasn't?

She called a white person the N bomb. How is that racist?
ESPN reporter nails it. Welcome to the human race, everyone!

Samantha Ponder's take on Cam Newton:

“You know what’s not going to solve that problem? Forced apologies and public shame. Shame alone makes people hide, not change. And what’s our goal anyways? The goal isn’t to shout people down, and make them lose money or make them shut up. The goal is to open up minds and change hearts. That comes from relationship, exposure over time and conversation. Not reducing human beings to heroes and villains, and holding trails where we are both judge and jury in the coliseum like court of social media,” Ponder said in part Sunday when discussing sexism towards women in the sports world in relation to Newton’s actions."

Bam. Best quote I've read in ages. Ages.

People just don't make sense nowadays.

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And this new Ezekiel Elliott news is going to push Newton stuff out of the Limelight.

Couldn't have come at a better time for him