Burress Plea

Alcohol will many people do stupid things in their lives....I'll admit to that.

Never pulled out a gun while drunk though.......

Did he actually pull the gun out? Or did it just go off while it was in his pants/holster wherever the heck he had it?
Pocket ?? I thought he had it stuffed in the elastic waistband of his sweat pants dunno:

Now they are trying to get him a pardon

He was railroaded with the help of the mayor of New York. The most troublesome aspect to the Burress case is the actions and words of the arrogant millionaire blowhard bully, Michael Bloomberg, who poisoned public opinion with his pleas that Burress should, in Bloombully's words, go to the slammer.
It would be an outrage, Bloombully screamed, if Burress received special treatment. Yet isn't that exactly what Burress received, governor? Wasn't he punished more harshly because of his celebrity status?
The statistics demonstrate the laws of New York aren't always evenly applied. Burress was charged with second-degree gun possession, which requires a minimum of 3½ years in jail. Yet prosecutors in your state, Mr. Paterson, commonly drop the charges to third-degree possession, which doesn't carry a minimum prison sentence.
This discretion, as several media reports and legal analysts have stated, allows prosecutors far too much leeway in deciding who is worthy of a reduced charge and who is not.
When the mayor opened his pie hole it all but forced prosecutors to go for jail time when there is compelling statistical evidence that some cases similar to Burress' have ended with defendants doing little or no jail time. Thus in many ways, Burress' celebrity status was unfairly used against him.
This really isn't equal justice, governor, and you know it.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]"Jail should be for criminals[/FONT]" - Isn't that exactly what he is?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] "Michael Bloomberg, who poisoned public opinion with his pleas[/FONT]" - Really??? So now every time a public figure comments in public the public is poisoned? Never knew public officials carried that much weight with the general public.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] "The statistics demonstrate the laws of New York aren't always evenly applied." - I would imagine where ever there is room for discretion the use of that discretion would appear as an uneven application.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]"When the mayor opened his pie hole it all but forced prosecutors to go for jail time" - Is there any where a mayor has that kind of power? I'm not from the big city so maybe I am missing something but I have not experienced this to be the case any where I have been.

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]"I know what you're going to say: Burress might've shot someone by bringing a loaded weapon into a club. True. But I might be the next Denzel Washington. Might doesn't matter" - Sounds like a factor that someone closer to home (or at least this board) would agree with. [/FONT]
Just read he is getting 2 years.

Anyone surprised at the length? Will there be additional time after he gets out that he will be suspended?

Is he done?

I just hope he's paying for his own room and board there! I didn't hear if he paid anything in fines. Better be close to $100,00 for a 2 yrs. stay. I don't want to pay for that through my tax dollars.