Buffalo Wild Wings Fantasy Football All Star Blogger League


Who Dey
Let's show the best what fantasy football Outlaw Style is all about! The Sports Outlaw is excited to announce a powerful partnership with Buffalo Wild Wings as we participate in their national fantasy football promotion: Buffalo Wild Wings Fantasy Football All Star Bloggers!

This will be a unique league set up between 12 of the industries best minds as we battle it out to be the best. Overseeing this fantastic group is ESPN's own, the host of NFL Live, Trey Wingo! He will serve as our commish for the league.

Through out the season you can follow along as I battle for the championship. Along with the other bloggers, I will be blogging about my weekly match-ups, moves, trades, and overall strategies.

Here are the participants in the 2009 Buffalo Wild Wings Fantasy Football All Star Blogger League:

Commish: Trey Wingo - ESPN

The best thing is you can all follow along and support the Sports Outlaw and I make my push to bring the title home to the outlaws. Feel free to leave comments all season long. Let us know what moves you liked, disliked and even feel free to throw in some good, clean trash talk.

Kick @ss Miller! Show them how we do it SO style!! :woohoo1:
This is pretty cool. Just as a tip, if you get the #1 spot take Peterson. Does that help? Good luck Miller.
Everyone don't forget to add your .02 over on the site. that is going to be the fun part of this league, followers from all the sites are encouraged to join in on the fun. Trash talk, second guess, in RC's case try to find his next ex-wife ;)