Buffalo Wild Wings Fantasy Football All Star Blogger League

my RB roster? It sucks right now, lol. DWill, Benson, Chester taylor, Larry Johnson....and whatever RB scrub I find on the wire this week.
I see you're playing the "will the real Steve Smith" please stand up game too. I thought having both these guys on my team would be like a double-stuffed Oreo cookie. Thanks to Jake and Eli, not so much. What are your thoughts on the Steve's?
I see you're playing the "will the real Steve Smith" please stand up game too. I thought having both these guys on my team would be like a double-stuffed Oreo cookie. Thanks to Jake and Eli, not so much. What are your thoughts on the Steve's?
I feel ya Rachelle. I tried to trade the NYG's SS before the deadline, he's really flat lined lately. Carolina's SS was coming around then layed an egg again. Those two may be the key to any run I may or may not do. If they come around soon, I may be OK, but I am not holding my breath.
Just went through the playoff picture and my team looks to be in pretty good shape. A win this week and I am in, a loss and it will go down to pt watching. The good news is the guys that I would need to stay ahead of on pts are 58 & 62 pts behind me going into the weekend.

For the full playoff picture look here.
Well I made a mistake in looking at the total point, Roto U had more pts than I thought.

The final results were 3 teams ended tied at 7-6 for the last two playoff spots. All 3 teams were separated by 4 pts!! Unfortunately it was my team who was 4 pts short of making the playoffs. It was a fun year and obviously disappointed in how it ended but in the end the rash of injuries the last 4 weeks was just too much to over-come.

My team will end up finishing 5th
Sorry Miller. Late season injuries have broken the backs of many of my teams. What can you do?
she gets by on having the #1 QB and the #1 RB, she was far and away the leading scorer....no luck of match-ups there. you also throw in the #8 RB and the #3 WR and you have a pretty mean core to that team.