AP charged with negligent injury to a child

He has said that he spanked the child he has not said that he was guilty of child endangerment or abuse. People seeing the pictures are rushing to their own judgment.
Actually he said he "punished" the child and gave him a whooping. That may not be the exact quote but it is pretty darn close. You don't spank a child with a foreign item, it is your hand to his ass. THAT is not what he did.

Now, I am not a legal expert. I AM however a parent. If you hit a child, and cause those kinds of welts, including on the kid's privates..... that is abuse. IMO.
And he is receiving the ability to have that judgement. Playing in an NFL game is NOT his right, its a privilege. The team is supporting him with pay, and benefits and time to address the legal matters. No one in The Vikings have claimed he is guilty......oh except himself.
I never said the Vikes werent entitled to cave to public pressure and remove AP from the team. I get that its all about the $ to them. All I'm saying is that he hasn't been found guilty of a damn thing, yet he's already been convicted in the public eye. All of the sudden everyone's an expert.
I never said the Vikes werent entitled to cave to public pressure and remove AP from the team. I get that its all about the $ to them. All I'm saying is that he hasn't been found guilty of a damn thing, yet he's already been convicted in the public eye. All of the sudden everyone's an expert.

Even if he's not convicted in the court system does that make it right? If they decide he's not guilty is it alright for everyone to treat their children this way? If I go to the park with my kid and he does something I don't like is it acceptable for me to shove leaves in his mouth, pull down his pants and beat him right then and there with a switch leaving lacerations all over his body?

Everyone always complains about how the court system is broken but when it comes to something like this people want to put all of their faith into it.
Even if he's not convicted in the court system does that make it right? If they decide he's not guilty is it alright for everyone to treat their children this way? If I go to the park with my kid and he does something I don't like is it acceptable for me to shove leaves in his mouth, pull down his pants and beat him right then and there with a switch leaving lacerations all over his body?

Everyone always complains about how the court system is broken but when it comes to something like this people want to put all of their faith into it.
Its not up to me nor is it up to an uninformed public to determine if what he did was criminal or not. I'm for letting the process run its course before we rush to judgment.
Its not up to me nor is it up to an uninformed public to determine if what he did was right or not. I'm for letting the process run its course before we rush to judgment.
Of course you are. As for the "uninformed" public. What are they missing? AP admitted to putting leaves in his 4 year olds mouth, making the child pull his pants down so he could spank him with a switch. He said he felt bad after he realized the switch had struck the child's scrotum several times and we've seen the lacerations. It's not like he is denying any of this....
Of course you are. As for the "uninformed" public. What are they missing? AP admitted to putting leaves in his 4 year olds mouth, making the child pull his pants down so he could spank him with a switch. He said he felt bad after he realized the switch had struck the child's scrotum several times and we've seen the lacerations. It's not like he is denying any of this....
I have a problem with the public assuming they know all the details of the story at such an early stage of the proceedings. I also have a problem with the public assuming what he did was illegal. So yeah, most people are uninformed/misinformed at this point, including me. Yet everybody's ready to cast judgment already.
I have a problem with the public assuming they know all the details of the story at such an early stage of the proceedings. I also have a problem with the public assuming what he did was illegal. So yeah, most people are uninformed/misinformed at this point, including me. Yet everybody's ready to cast judgment already.
While I applaud the esoteric view you have, the guy switched a kids crotch. I am a parent, and don't need a judge to tell me that is wrong. Thanks though
Booker Bowie, who was Peterson's defensive coordinator at Palestine High School in Texas, told the Daily Mail that he used to smack Peterson with an 18-inch long wooden paddle.

For the record, corporal punishment is legal in Texas.

Whippings apparently were a part of Peterson's upbringing. USA Today recently told the story of when Peterson and friend David Cummings were leaving middle school one day. Nelson Peterson, Adrian's father, had received a call that Adrian had been disruptive in class and met the boys outside the school.

After confirming the story with his son, Nelson Peterson whipped Adrian with his belt in front of more than 20 students.

"When Adrian showed out or was bad, he got a whupping," his uncle, Greg Peterson told USA Today.

In his initial statement, Adrian Peterson said: "I have to live with the fact that when I disciplined my son the way I was disciplined as a child, I caused an injury that I never intended or thought would happen. ... I have always believed that the way my parents disciplined me has a great deal to do with the success I have enjoyed as a man."

The above from a story written by By Josh Katzowitz | NFL Writer

There was nothing unusual in past days about a kid having their pants pulled down to receive their whipping. It happened to me though only once that I recall. As far as the marks being elsewhere other than the buttocks a squirming person is not easy to hit in an exact spot. My dad aimed for my ass but there were times when it was my legs or my back that were struck. These are simple and true facts.
The above from a story written by By Josh Katzowitz | NFL Writer

There was nothing unusual in past days about a kid having their pants pulled down to receive their whipping. It happened to me though only once that I recall. As far as the marks being elsewhere other than the buttocks a squirming person is not easy to hit in an exact spot. My dad aimed for my ass but there were times when it was my legs or my back that were struck. These are simple and true facts.

So because it was acceptable 20 years ago makes it ok today?
Not necessarily but intentions are going to play a big part in this case if it goes to trial. Did he mean to strike the kid on his sack? What AP went through will most definitely be a part of the case and used to show that he didn't realize that what he was doing at the time was wrong.
There's just to many variables to be sitting back and casting judgment right now imo. What kinda father is AP? What kinda relationship does he have with the kid? Has this happened before? Did he intentionally strike the kids crotch? What did the kid do to get the beating? Was the beating illegal? How was AP raised?
We don't know any of this. All I know is how I choose to discipline my kids. Do I hit them with sticks? No, but I don't expect everyone to discipline their kids like me.
I'm just glad that we all don't get sent home from the job every time one of us is arrested. The NFL is opening up an ugly can of worms here and I see the possibility for false accusations to spike upwards now.
I'm just glad that we all don't get sent home from the job every time one of us is arrested. The NFL is opening up an ugly can of worms here and I see the possibility for false accusations to spike upwards now.
Get the cuffs slapped on you a lot or what??

I've been arrested once in my lifetime. Thankfully it didn't cost me my job. Did get me on the front page of the newspaper though. Boom. Infamous!
I'm just glad that we all don't get sent home from the job every time one of us is arrested. The NFL is opening up an ugly can of worms here and I see the possibility for false accusations to spike upwards now.
It just depends on what your profession is. There are a lot of places that would either fire you or put you on leave until the case is settled. It's not like he was suspended without pay. He's still getting paid, but he was just given time off until the case is settled which I think is the right move. This is just my opinion. You guys have your own opinion. If the players have a problem with how these cases are being handled then the best way to prevent it is to not put yourself in those situations.
Do you have any proof that he deliberately hit his kid there? Does law enforcement?
Deliberate doesn't matter, that he did is the point.

I also say to all that say well how was he raised....I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!

yeah, I got hit in the past too, doesn't make it right, nor excuse the stupidity.

I am SOOOOOO tired of everyone whining how society is going down hill, and then they want to excuse stupid behavior due to how one was raised or one's enviornment. Gee maybe that is part of the problem
I'm just glad that we all don't get sent home from the job every time one of us is arrested. The NFL is opening up an ugly can of worms here and I see the possibility for false accusations to spike upwards now.
Where I work, an arrest is enough to get you fired. Not saying its the same for all, but we have a clear rule of conduct that we sign with employment.