AP charged with negligent injury to a child

We all got whooped when we grew up. Got hit with hairbrush by my mom, belt and badminton racket by my Dad. You can bet after that I NEVER repeated what I did to deserve it.
Maybe thats why Im such a stickler for being on time, because I got beat with a leather razor strap(like the barbers had) if i got home at 5 10 but was told to be in by 5. I also learned to stay still as possible because that strap hurt 10 times as bad if if hit my lower back or thighs instead of my butt
Man, you guys make me want to go over and hug my mom today, which I am going to do............:cool:

I do think however that this is being overblown. Better ways to deal with a 4-year old than switching him, but different people have different ideas on discipline. Not like he punched him and caused bodily harm.

My mom whopped me once as a kid with a belt and it sure as hell made an impression on me since she hadn't done it before. I think it really did hurt her more than me, but well done.

I never had to spank my kids and they were always well behaved and respectful. I made it a point early in their lives that disrepecting adults was not an option for them and acting up in public was not an option for them. The occasional hard swat on the butt or stinging slap on the wrist was impactfull enough to get their attention and get them back on track when they acted up in public.

Anyway, much ado about nothing but being overblown due to the Ray Rice situation.
I also had to go get my own switch as a kid my dad would get out an extension cord we knew dad didn't play. My grandma had what we called the boomerang shoe. All us grandkids got the shoe.
Okay, I am starting to have a second view on this. yes we have all been "switched" but from other reports he has had other issues. I am all for spanking, but you don't hit a kid, that young that hard on the head or other areas of the body. There is punishment, and then there is other.
I agree, and i also agree that parents go to far sometimes. i have to wonder if it was out of anger or out of pure discpline(there is a difference). One time when i was 10 minutes late coming home i got the leather razor strap pretty bad and had black and blue marks from my lower back to my thighs. That was the last time I ever got "whipped". My mom was pretty upset when she saw(it was my step dad who did it). It's hard to say what state of mind AP was in and wheteher it's an ongoing issue with him. It was excessive but i think his intentions make a difference. Anyway hope he gets "treatment" and can move on.
Okay, I am starting to have a second view on this. yes we have all been "switched" but from other reports he has had other issues. I am all for spanking, but you don't hit a kid, that young that hard on the head or other areas of the body. There is punishment, and then there is other.
I agree. There is a difference between a spanking and abuse. If someone wants to spank their child I have no problem with that. I think there are other ways to discipline a child that doesn't involve hitting them but to each their own. However, taking leaves off of a branch and putting them in your child's mouth while you smack the crap out of them with a switch is straight child abuse. After seeing the photos of the child's wounds this IMO is just as bad as the ray rice situation.
Okay, I am starting to have a second view on this. yes we have all been "switched" but from other reports he has had other issues. I am all for spanking, but you don't hit a kid, that young that hard on the head or other areas of the body. There is punishment, and then there is other.

Oh i agree there is a difference in us and what he did. He shouldn't be playing.

I just wanted to share my experience of being hit by my parents and various family members. :)
Oh i agree there is a difference in us and what he did. He shouldn't be playing.

I just wanted to share my experience of being hit by my parents and various family members. :)
You can spank me if you like ;):D
that's 4 days after the incident occurred. I believe I heard today that the child also had a laceration on his private parts