Tyreek Hill is back in the news....
Review - two times in March and or April the police had to go to Hill's residence due to cases of child abuse. In one Hill was not mentioned as a suspect at all, I do believe he was in the 2nd.
Secondly - the police have reviewed the case, and due to lack of evidence to prove who did the action - no charges will be filed for the broken arm of the young child. But the child has been taken to a foster home and custody has been removed from both parents.
Thirdly - DA claims in public statement they know a crime was committed, but they can't prove who did it, they did not implicate that neither parent was supportive or helpful though.
Fourthly - a very damning audio tape is sent to a local TV station covering the story - implying that Hill is the cause of the injuries to their child and he also threatens the Fiance'
Fifthly - A report is now out that in March Hill had to call the ambulance to the residence due to finding the Fiance passed out in the residence and the young child unattended - and she remained in the hospital for a few days - for what is not reported
Now - Hill's Lawyer has sent a 4 page letter to the NFL (mysteriously leaked...) basically denying any involvement by Hill in the abuse and basically blaming the Fiance for the issues, including Texts where she admits harm
So, I am starting to wonder here - if both aren't they issue, and due to that, they can't find evidence to prove one or the other....thus nothing will be done. I wonder if Hill gets out of this with a slap on the wrist?
I hope not, if he is guilty of hurting that child...he should be sent to prison.