Week 2 - Early Game's Official Thread

ok, I get it. You suck at college and are mediocre at NFL :thumbsup:
I get it, you know nothing about betting, ask anyone who bets if they would like a .583 winning %......

And my first two weeks of College were brutal, made some up this past week, we'll see how the rest of the year goes. But thanks for being the SO Troll....
Whew......god the Bengals made that way more stressful than it needed to be.....

Bengals survive!
Believe me I know that 58% is winning. Its just not very good for being a "Lock"
You care to do pick one every week along side mine??? Professional gamblers struggle to hit 60% on their "lock"....put up or shut up time......

We'll include it in the feature...dueling locks....
and based on the level of your bet this week, I think it's safe to say your lock this week was GB....great call there ;)