Wade Phillips fired

Wade Phillips is the reason this team is 1-7. He needed to be fired a long time ago. You can blame the players all you want for quitting on the team. But in the end, it is the coaches responsibility to keep the players motivated and ready to play. So, it is not the players fault. It is the coaches fault. And the play calling.
Players get millions of dollars to go to "work". They're not little kids and shouldn't need their hands held each week to go out and do their jobs. Coaches can only do so much and shoudn't be held completely liable for this meltdown in Dallas. I know for sure if i don't perform at my job and just go at it half assed with a laxy daisey attitude, they're not going to fire my boss. I'd be gone and replaced. Saying these children should be held for there actions. Dont play then no pay. Dont understand why more of these stupidily huge contracts aren't more based around performance each week.
Since the Cowboys are not going to the playoffs i dont expect the players to play hard the rest of the season and risk possible injury.

I agree with Cerberus that every player needs to have a performance contract clause, in a perfect world this would work.