Sorry, didn't mean to be harsh.alright, i guess ill come back if i can work up an offer involving a RB. i dont want to waste your guys' time, more than i have already.
If you are that high on Forte, then you hopefully did good. If it doesn't work out.....that is fantasy football, you learn and move on. Believe me, I have made some really stupid moves in my time.
that being said you ARE doing what a good owner does. You tweek and manipulate to get the team where you want.
that being said don't panic. I think you are set pretty well. Your wr depth will be more to you later than now, once true value shows...and some injuries come up. I would hold off on the VJax what ya got....and when folks start losing key players, move in for the kill and get what you want to improve!
One thing you learn fairly early in this game.....sometimes the best trade you the one you actually didn't.