US Patent Office finds Redskins' name offensive

Cinncinati better start thinking of changing their name too because Im sure there is something in the history books of Reds being short for Redskins or maybe our small Russian immigrant population might take offense too.

Atlanta Braves
my point was yes the reds were named after stockings just like the redskins were named out of pride for the indian but all depends how certain people take it. Synder should be a smarta$$ keep the logo and change the name to savages(now thats innapropriate)
Okay a few things.
first there is nothing wrong with Braves or Indians, they are not derogatory.
No, the Redskins did not do it out of honor or pride for the Indian, sorry.

Actually the Yankees could be a good point though.

To my point, what would happen if one of the southern teams change their names to the Confederates? or even Rebels? Guarantee you that would be a huge issue. Even though they have positive notions in some areas.

Doesn't make it right though gang.
I think that was due to over done protection. I am here in Cincinnati. There is a very good local school called Miami of Ohio. They were originally the Redskins. About the time Roethlisburger was getting famous there, they made the change to Redhawks.

Funny story, they published a tweet on PFT where Miami's Athletic department tweeked the Redskins and offered to help coming up with a name change.
As a LSU fan I am quite well familiar with Miami of Ohio.

Long after the game was over, the Miami of Ohio players wrestled each other through the sloppy field in celebration of the 21-12 upset of eighth-ranked Louisiana State at Baton Rouge, La., Saturday night.

"We just didn't want to leave the field," said wingback Andy Schillinger, who scored two touchdowns on passes from Terry Morris, including the 82-yard third-quarter scoring play that clinched the game for the Mid-American Conference team
If my son , being part Native American was ever called Redskin in school I would instruct him to smile with pride say thank you and that hes dang proud of it. The word only has power if you let it or give the person saying it power over you. In that case it's nothing a few hours of therapy couldn't help with. In pickup game of basketball, on the court should i be offended when the black guy doesnt know my name, says I'll take the white dude. Just because someone told me I should be offended. Feelings are your own and no one can make you feel a certain way. My son makes honor role ever year and sometimes gets called a nerd, i tell him the same, just say thanks because those kids who are saying it will most likely be working for your company later on in life. Im pretty sure this will blow over and nothing will happen soon like it should but it's not that far away when it will change. The Native American population has one of the highest rates of alcoholism and poverty in this country but lets deal with a footballs team name instead that will provide so much better change than working on anything else. What did you think of what that Indian Chief said in that article Phi, that Native Americans used that term to describe themselves. All this mess is doing is making it a racist issue when it's really polictical. Kids will be using it now because we've just added a new slur to their vocabulary to work with. We have enough mountains leave the molehills alone
But now if they called my son a Redskin fan i would tell him to start swinging:eek:
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