TO speaks out on Vick's suspension

Sorry, Disciplanary issues are a union issue. If you have something to say you say it to the rep, at a union meeting, or in private to other members. You do not speak against your union to the media. If you do not like the stand your union is taking you drum up support and run for office.

He is sooo far out of line on this its not funny. He is always throwing someone under the bus to get the headlines

Has the union taken a position? Know the new guy met with his highness but have not heard the unions position on this. How is Owens speaking against the union if he is requesting they take a specific position? Seems he is simply trying to drum up support.
I doubt TO's opinion got Vick any favors in the commissiones eyes, perhaps that was his thinking when he chimed in.
Who cares? Vick was never a good QB. The only arguement for it was his athletic ability which will soon go down hill if it hasn't already. I don't care if the commish gives him 50 games or zero games. He'll never be the "face" of a franchise again and it's not like he some humanitarian now and "deserves" a second chance. It's all a waste. As far as TO goes, I don't care about that anymore either. He's like Favre to me. I don't really even pay any attention anymore unless I hear something football related or something definitive.