The hope of Lion fans run eternal
You may be the only four if they dont win soon.
In a fifth form, the four horsemen rode forth.* And the victories accumulated at their feet.
Come see and behold, and lo upon a white horse rode Matt Stafford; and he sat on him with a cannon of an arm: and there was given unto Matt a championship crown, and by the time he departed, he had conquered.
"And there went out upon the field another horse that was red: and power was given to Louis Delmas who sat thereon to take peace from the opposition wielding power over his domain, the defensive backfield, as though wielding a sword. Attempt as they might the enemies of those known, as the Lions could not, would not score.
Yet a third, three-headed horseman, was conveyed upon the field straddling a stallion of the blackest ink who starved the fighting spirit of all who lined up against them. Larry surrounded by Ernie and Julius caused hunger to all seeking to mount a ground attack. Before the pigskin is even touched by the famished few, they had already been denied the whetting of their appetite for a 1st down much less a score.
The fourth horseman, commonly referred to as “The Freak” was originally the only one whose name was easily distinguishable. Come, see, and behold Calvin Johnson. Power was given to him to receive the rounds fired from Stafford’s arm and create a margin of victory that was to grow by 6s.
*Other forms include the horsemen of the apocalypse, Notre Dame’s backfield 1922-1924, the 4 Supreme Court Justices who consistently opposed New Deal legislation, and a hand in poker of 4 kings (I refuse to include the perversion presented by wrestling in the 90’s in my tally.