The Definition of Insanity


Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Isn't that what they say? Well saddle up folks because it looks like I'll be hitch hiking down that trail again. I've owned Gronk many years in different leagues. I've started Gronk over and over again when he was truly questionable or a GTD. I've regretted it each and every time. Not one single week that I have started a beat up Gronk did it pay off. You guys? This week he has not been a GTD. As a matter of fact there hasn't been a doubt expressed by Gronk as to whether he'd be playing this week or not. Even right after the game last week he said he was good to go. So is this different? Is he safe to play? I hope so because my other TE has played this week and I really don't want to drop any of my RB 5's for a one week TE. Please Lord up above, If he's to be a decoy let him be inactive.