Tebow to Preach to 20,000 Easter Sunday

Does anyone have a problem with all of this "if" Tim is serious here? I don't. This country could use a return to our Christian faith that was a big part of making this the greatest land in all of the world.
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." Matthew 7:15

"For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:24

Don't see how this applies to Tim Tebow.

The man is open about his beliefs and not going to hide it for anybody. I'll take that over a man who is in church on Sunday and at a bar drinking on Monday.
Ah, the circus that is Tim Tebow.

There's only way he can become any bigger, and I know what it is.

On Easter Sunday, TT stands in front of the gathered masses and begins speaking the good word. Half way through his passioned message, a crazed assasin runs up to the alter and stabs TT in the back with a spear. TT spreads his arms out, Platoon style, and falls face down in front of everyone, breathing his last breath.

The nation mourns. The haters move past the fact that his QB mechanics were trash, and only have nice things to say about it him now. The story is bigger than anything we've ever seen before.

TT's funeral is epic. MLK big! Rivers of tears are shed.


3 days later, TT pushes his casket open and digs his way out. HE IS RISIN!

Fact of the matter is that he faked the entire thing. It was all staged and the end of times begins as all the haters become followers.

Jesus will come down on the last days and do battle with Tebow on the football field. Denver 122 - NYJ 3. Good defeats evil.
his beliefs??? what are they?? seriously... he's a walking void, with no real thoughts or beliefs - "thank you jesus" and thank you god" arent beliefs... you wont hear any til he starts his preaching career - and this is where it gets scary, cuz i dont think he has any of his own
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his beliefs??? what are they?? seriously... he's a walking void, with no real thoughts or beliefs - "thank you jesus" and thank you god" arent beliefs... you wont hear any til he starts his preaching career - and this is where it gets scary, cuz i dont think he has any of his own

Really? I don't think you have been listening then. Oh, and for the record, belief in GOD is a belief. :rolleyes:
The ONLY reason this escapade has gained notariety is because there are two types of people.

Those who want to see christians succeed and those who want to see christians fail. I really don't believe there is any middle ground on this subject.

Don't blame the media for this. They are only exploiting the fact for their own gain.

The message that screams volumes to me in an episode like this is that no matter which half you fall into, you are... in your passion... confessing the undeniable exsistance of an everlasting, omnipresent God, be it with him or against him.

The irony is that I really don't believe that God gets involved in circuses like this though it is possible that he and Tim are working on something....not my first thought, though.
By "beliefs" i assumed we were talking values. A belief in god is not a value nor does it assume any sort of code of ethics or anything beyond that. People wanting christians to succeed/fail? i dont think anything could be further from the truth either. im gonna stop looking for logic and/or real thought in tebow threads, i knew i shouldnta even bothered lol
All I can say is call all this what you want. but ask yourself these questions
Is Tebow good for the NFL? Does he create revenue and excitement for the NFL. He creates a media frenzy which draws people to football who may have not bothered beforehand. While he does alienate many others they stay interested as well.
Is he a good role model? Well you don't necessarily have to be good at what your doing, but if you have drive, will, and leadership. good things possibly do overcome the odds. He does great charitable things with his spare time.
Is he good for Sports Outlaw:grin:? Some of his threads have been the longest and most interesting ones I have seen on here.
Tek had a great point in that in some cases it depends on which side of the "religious fence" one might fall. Why does God have to be involved in the NFL. I say why not. I never see Tebow push with his beliefs even though he most certainly mentions something to that effect every time he is on T.V. I know most people tune into the NFL to watch football and not hear a sermon which I am in total agreement with but I try not to let my personal beliefs come into play. If i did I would be wrapped up with so much anxiety I wouldn't be able to enjoy the game. Also i think most people are so stuck on Tebow's lack of skill at his position and the circumstances around him which gave him a winning record is very frustrating to many. So how i look at Tebow is how i look at most players and that is is it good for the NFL.
You just have to wonder about all of the unwarranted hatred for this kid. It's sad that a Christian has to go through this just for being himself.
haha - by himself, huh? and because he's a christian? as per usual everyone misses the point... who hates that he's a christian?
I am a Christian... so it's definitely not that. I guess I didn't give enough reasons in my several rants? And it never once said cuz he' a Christian. As a football player, I think he's given a lot of undeserved coverage. That bothers me. I think that's mostly what I complain about there. As a christian "icon" or preacher or whatever - you guys are graspin at straws I'm sorry to say - Why is the kid famous? He won two collegiate NCAA football championships. The heisman. He's not just openly but evangelically christian and therefore one of few "non threatening" athletes left. Oh and he's white. So a famous collegiate athlete gets to tell you that he knows the ONLY true path to salvation? It must be all his life experience as the pampered captain of various football teams and all the school he never had to study for to pass that brought him to such a profound understanding? If you have gone through and worked to be where you are today (not sayin tim hasn't - not sayin he is or isn't a bad guy), I would hope you wouldn't let some rich pampered football player tell you how to live. Keep in mind, too, a lot of Jesus's teachings in regard to the pharisees and the charlatans making sure everyone saw them at temple, grandiose and public display of prayer (Luke 18:9 etc) are stunning parallels when you compare them to many of (certainly not all) today's American evangelicals. Maybe as a preacher he will be completely benign, never be corrupted by the trappings of power and not be driven by evil agendas of his own or perhaps engendered by others around him. That would be just fine for some, I suppose. Still, not me, but hey, I'm not gonna judge anybody and say that they can't or are wrong in religious beliefs - I will leave it to the evangelicals. I just think the potential for abuses is high here. And I aint diggin it.
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I think the potential for greatness is quite high, and I am diggin it:tongue:
I guess I drink from the cup that is half full
@Giz: I don't like televangelists any more than you do, they give off a snake oil salesman vibe that you could sniff out even high out of your mind on the best pot available. Tebow is one of those rare evangelists that doesn't give off that vibe, which is why I like him. I think you're barking up the wrong tree, here.
@Giz: I don't like televangelists any more than you do, they give off a snake oil salesman vibe that you could sniff out even high out of your mind on the best pot available. Tebow is one of those rare evangelists that doesn't give off that vibe, which is why I like him. I think you're barking up the wrong tree, here.
I have to agree. I too am not a big fan of the TV evangelists. I don't see Tebow there, as he isn't begging for dollars or pushing his "brand" over someone else. Just seems like a very naive guy, who is trying to do good. How sad is it, that we just can't buy into that? :dunno: Have we all been burned that many times?