TE Hernandez involved in Homicide investigation

First, I never liked hearing stories like that. I understand why come might enjoy seeing someone like this fall, but the fact he MAY have taken at least one life, and maybe three is just sad. I honestly hope this isn't true, that they are just trying to pressure him to turn on who did it, but I think that is just a pipe dream. He is locked up, and I think we will only hear more and more from this point forward.
I still hope not... i find this tale very sad... but get where you are coming from

In no way do I feel sorry for Hernandez, but the fact that a young man with so many positive things going for him is probably going to spend most if not all of his life in prison and that at least one person lost a life all because of perceived "disrespect" is disturbing and sad.

Not to oversimplify because certainly, this situation is rare, but I think a lot of the blame for this attitude is social media. You can't be 'disrespected" because it will show up on somebodys facebook page and you'll come off like a "punk". Gotta take care of it now. This killing and the possible drive by that he is a suspect in both happened due to confrontations at clubs. That is pretty messed up ideology that you have to kill people over small stuff like that.

Kid's (I have a 16 year old daughter) seem much more stressed out these days and I think most of it goes to social media and cell phone texting. Prior to this technology, kids got home from school, hung out with friends for a couple hours and then got a break from them until the next day. Doesn't happen now. Constant texts and facebook conversations make for a 24/7 dynamic and it's tough. A lot of pressure to be on all the time.
I agree with those points about social media 100%.

AH isn't a high school kid with a reputation to protect. No is he a street thug who cant let ppl know that he's soft. He's a professional athlete who had the potential to put more cash in the bank by the age of 35 than the entire lot of people who have posted on this thread accumulated. What the hell does he care if some nobody wants to talk trash about him being "soft" or whatever? Back down from a fight and hand them your most recent ATM transaction receipt. Eat that, b*tch! What you got on that bottom line??

That's just me though.
You will never convince me it's harder to be a kid now because of all of the extra technology. Sorry, it's FAR easier. That's why all of these kids are so unprepared for the world. It's been too easy. None of them had to walk or bike anywhere, figure out where anything was, do any actual work... I mean the list is endless
And in the 90s, and early 2000s, we didnt come home, hang out for a couple hours. We WALKED all the miles home with our friends, and then did 6 hours of homework
You will never convince me it's harder to be a kid now because of all of the extra technology. Sorry, it's FAR easier. That's why all of these kids are so unprepared for the world. It's been too easy. None of them had to walk or bike anywhere, figure out where anything was, do any actual work... I mean the list is endless

Didn't say it was harder, said there is more stress due to never getting a break from their friends and in some cases enemies.

If their lives are too easy, blame the parents who don't want to take the time to teach kids work ethics, manners or personal responsibility. My daughter does 3 times the homework I did due to her advanced classes and still has her responsibilities around the house when she is with me. When she is with her mom, she is not held accountable in most cases, so she gets by with doing less. Just difference in parenting.
Honestly it's an epidemic... and it's bad parenting from some that has made those few good parents unable to get through. There is absolutely no accountability, work ethic, or manners as far as I can tell with the younger kids coming up. It really pains me because I have siblings as young as 18 and cousins even younger.
I very much agree with what E is saying but I think with hernandez this man is just a very violent person. We want to find a reason I dont think with hernandez their is a reason. This man has a ego like no other and is a very violent person. Thats it.
You will never convince me it's harder to be a kid now because of all of the extra technology. Sorry, it's FAR easier. That's why all of these kids are so unprepared for the world. It's been too easy. None of them had to walk or bike anywhere, figure out where anything was, do any actual work... I mean the list is endless
Totally agree. For anyone who disagrees, go to any fast food restaurant or store, and ask the teller to do the math for change WITHOUT the register. It is really, really sad.
Honestly it's an epidemic... and it's bad parenting from some that has made those few good parents unable to get through. There is absolutely no accountability, work ethic, or manners as far as I can tell with the younger kids coming up. It really pains me because I have siblings as young as 18 and cousins even younger.

A couple of my daughters friends are total idiots but the others are polite, intelligent kids. The two idiot friends have moms that are more concerned about being cougers (dads don't seem to be in the picture much) than what their daughters are doing, although they are both professional women and should know better. The other kids have strong parental influence. Fortunately, my daughter is starting to separate from the idiot friends and I no longer allow them to with us on trips to Tahoe or Southern California like I used to. Just too much BS.

I have a fairly large group of nieces who also have small children and they are all nice young couples with smart kids. Again, strong, positive parental influence.

I see what you are saying as there is a larger percentage of the stupid ones around but I don't think it's hopeless. Parents need to step up and teach the basics that we took for granted..........
It's all cool, hernandez is an idiot thug and blew his chance. The smart kids will need to have people work for them, so they will need the idiots.
I dunno... I know many college and high school kids and despite their good grades, and "good behavior" none of them truly understand things, can spell, write, find where anything is, or do actual mathematics. Common sense is no longer common, or even around at all.
To circle this back around on topic...from what I've read, it sounds like AH actually has a pretty good childhood. His adolescence wasn't filled with the type of stories people seem to think they are. He grew up in a good neighborhood and attended a good school. It sounds like he really changed as a person after the untimely death of his father. That's when he decided to leave the state for college and attend Florida. That's when the trouble started.
To circle this back around on topic...from what I've read, it sounds like AH actually has a pretty good childhood. His adolescence wasn't filled with the type of stories people seem to think they are. He grew up in a good neighborhood and attended a good school. It sounds like he really changed as a person after the untimely death of his father. That's when he decided to leave the state for college and attend Florida. That's when the trouble started.

Yea he's not the typical dad wasn't around type guy.

Personally I think the man is just crazy.