V-bucks are history. We bet points now and that action should soon be in play for the Superbowl.
You know....the only good thing that can come from Pitt winning the SB again is that I won't have to hear "sixburgh" any longer....however, I know you pit guys will come up with some self serving phrase that will make me puke.....
Not shocked; I actually like it a little.
With the Pittsburgh Pirates and all....since I really like baseballimagine...
O I forgot you don't have to imagine, you have the Bungals, as Noll used to call 'em.
I like making fun of my friend who loves the New York/New Jersey teams since he has so many to choose from then says "the Yankees" ya da da...are the best, and the Steelers cheat, etc.
So I told him "like the Yankees everybody loves to hate the Stillers or any other team on top". But he doesn't have to call them cheaters and dirty and such all the time. I understand it's human nature to hope the top dog loses, but we only have one team to pick from to root for in each sport. I was so happy we won against the Jets or I would have NEVER heard the end of it.
So I do understand, but really, we're nothing like New York fans, admit it. In all the Steelers games I have ever gone to away OR at home, I never experienced something like I did this last game. A big galumpa with Jets gear on (like 300 lbs) and I am only maybe 5'4"; My wife and I are going into the HOME stadium and he shoved me hard enough to knock me down! Little did he know I work out. I was shocked but gathered myself in time to go back to him and shove him hard enough to make him turn around. A big guy (6'+) behind me (Steelers fan) said "I gotta tell you ~ I give you my respect for not letting him do that to you!" But I really have never had the feeling anyone but New York/Jersey fans would be so vile. He wasn't drunk if that's what you're thinking. I guess he thought "I'll just push this little guy" not knowing we have that "napoleon complex" running high. What a dick.
After I told another fan behind me inside the stadium that happened he said "well if he would have struck back you had loads of friends around". But we Pittsburgh fans for all our arrogance are nothing like that. Admit it, please. We have a little fun with words, but if that's the extent of our ignorance it shouldn't be so hard to look past it.
Miller's Official Super Bowl Prediction:
Packers - 27
Steelers - 21
MVP: Aaron Rodgers