Steelers' Harrison debunks White House visit


From what I gather, Harrison is upset because the only reason the Steelers were invited to the White House was the due to their Super Bowl win. He said: If Arizona would have won, then they would have been invited and not us.



I wouldn't be surprised if he has a tragic "greased bowling ball accident" in the coming days.

Keep it strong, Rooney!


Ready For Some Football
I love how he doesn't go to either the Bush white house or the Obama white house... because the head of the executive branch should just be inviting the Pittsburgh Steelers (who neither prez was a fan of) to hang out at the White House at some random time? As if they have nothing better to do.

It seems like Harrison is a rebel without a cause.


New Member
This guy is an idiot

Makes me hate the steelers more and more each day im going to laugh when the steelers dont even make the playoffs and he is talking about winning it all for multiple years in a row


New Member
The quote was misleading and taking out of context. If you listen to the full clip of the quote, then you'd realize that his reply was a joke. The real moron in this story is the guy who cut the quote short to get a story. Harrison isn't interested in visiting the white house, which is his right and its perfectly ok. Multiple players didn't go last time and I'm sure there will be others that don't go this year. The thing about the president inviting Pit when they don't win it all and Ari would have been invited if they won... was a joke. Plax skipped the white house and the parade last year.


In Dog We Trust
I don't see this as a big deal. So what he doesn't want to go. He probably just wants to enjoy his free time with friends and family since He is away from his family most of the season. Sports news right now is not this slow to be making this such a big deal.

Remote Controller

Well-Known Member
I don't see this as a big deal. So what he doesn't want to go. He probably just wants to enjoy his free time with friends and family since He is away from his family most of the season. Sports news right now is not this slow to be making this such a big deal.
Atleast he's an equal oppurtunity White House disser.


Your obligated to go if it's a high-profile team event and you enjoy being viewed as a respected member and representative of your team.


Why? Because of the way it was said or because you think everyone is obligated to go if invited?

Your obligated to go if it's a high-profile team event and you enjoy being viewed as a respected member and representative of your team.

What WesDawg said, and because I feel that an invitation to the White House should be considered an honor by anyone invited.


Well-Known Member
He's not obligated to go, but he's a D Bag for not going.

I can tell you this, if I was invited to come to the White House because of some accomplishment in my line of work, my ass would be on the front 40 at dawn. Me and the Prez are gonna take some pics and have some drinks!


He didn't even cite a political reason for skipping the visit, which I suppose would be somewhat understandable.
Instead, he for some bizarre reason went the "disrespected" route.
Putting yourself above your team isn't a real adept maneuver right after you were rewarded handsomely by said team with an elite contract.