starting to panic


New Member
I'm sitting at 2-5 in 8th place after 7 weeks. I feel as though my team isnt that bad... but still, i dont feel comfortable with loss after loss. Can someone either just tell me to chill out and ride out the slump or suggest something, anything to turn my season around.

PPR league 6 pts/passing td

Start: QB, 3WR, 2RB, TE, WR/RB/TE, K, DEF/ST

QB:Flacco, Roethlisberger
WR: Harvin, R.Moss, A.Johnson, D.Bowe, D.Amendola, D.Alexander
RB:L.McCoy, C.Benson, K.Moreno, J.Stewart, CJ.Spiller
TE: V.Davis
K: Prater
QB - You are solid
WR - Suspect past AJohnson and Moss - a Rams fan?
RB - Decent

Who is out there for trade?
QB - You are solid
WR - Suspect past AJohnson and Moss - a Rams fan?
RB - Decent

Who is out there for trade?

Not really, I picked up amendola for flex one week, then just picked up alexander to stash on the bench this past week. I had brandon tate he seemed to be a bust.

Funny thing is, I think that Harvin has more of an upside then moss.

Almost anyone is available for trade with the right offer. but in my league there are two guys that think they should get something for garbage. I guess i should just check out playoff schedules and maybe look for an even trade for the better match up. as it's going though, I dont even know if I'll make the playoffs.

mostly, I was just venting out of frustration... 3 of my losses came against the hight point scorer of the week when I had decent point totals. Bad luck I guess.
Will be interesting to see what happens in Minni once Rice comes back.......

PS - there are always guys like that in every pool
Trade a QB, you have two from the same tier. pick one you like more and ride him out. And I am personally not high on either of these two, I think I can stream a hot QB (Cassel earlier, and now Fitz) from the WW to match how comfortable these 2 make me.

Same at WR, Harvin-Moss-AJ-Bowe are every week starters in any 12 person league. If your low on Moss, time to move him. I would personally move Bowe based on his crazy couple weeks, but I am really high on Moss, but no reason for that kind of talent to be rotting on your bench.

I like your RBs as well, and VD is a beast at TE.

So not sure what you want to upgrade, but given your depth at QB-WR, I would try to find somebody in your team week at QB-WRs maybe and try for a huge upgrade?

Ben + Moss + Bowe for Roddy White or some BS along those lines. Or Moss + Benson for Mendanhall + WR3 from his team.
Thanks VM...

I feel as though its a decent team, and I should be better than 2-5 but I just cant seem to get some wins. Oh well... I'm gonna look today to see what kind of deal i can get together.