Shaun Rogers arrested trying to board plane with a loaded gun


From rotoworld,

Browns DL Shaun Rogers was arrested Thursday for gun possession at Hopkins airport in Cleveland.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer confirms, so it's not an April Fool's attempt. Rogers was preparing to board a plane when officers discovered the loaded weapon in his carry-on bag. Rogers told the officers that he forgotten the gun was there. We're assuming he was not planning to use the gun on the plane, but that leaves unexplained why he was carrying a loaded weapon in the first place. Apr. 1 - 1:55 pm et
Source: WOIO-TV Cleveland

Dam did the NFL pass out free samples of stoopid pills at the end of the season or what?
Stoopid pills I'm telling you there's no other logical explaination for the epic number of ignorant actions by our beloved NFL stars.
Plax Burress just called and said Rogers was stupid for carrying a loaded weapon in a crowded public place..
Plax Burress just called and said Rogers was stupid for carrying a loaded weapon in a crowded public place..

At least he didn't shoot himself in the leg, so that makes him a little smarter than Plax............:grin:
many plead not guilty when it is obvious they are in order to try to plead the charges down. Rogers is going to claim this was a simple mistake and he forgot the gun was in the bag.His attorney will argue that while he is guilty, this was an honest mistake in which no one was hurt and the charges should be much less.

The sad thing is this HAS to be a mistake right?? He HAD to just have forgotten about the gun right? If not, the only other explanation is that he really thought he could slip this by security and get the gun on the plane......he's not bright, but he can't be THIS stupid either can he???
Yes he can


Hat turned sideways looking like a fool, looking like a fool with his gun in the carry-on looking like a fool with a gun in the carry-on hat turned sideways etc..................

Ever start getting tired of hearing that annoying repetitive announcement at the airport from TSA and Homeland Security about things you shouldn't have in carryon or checked baggage because it seems so insultingly obvious?

Well, thank Shaun Rogers next time you hear it..
IMO, he should be going to jail for a very long time. Just because he is an NFL player does not cancel the fact that our country is at war and constantly at risk of being attacked by terrorists. Not saying he is a terrorist, but there should be no f****** around with this case. If they let him off easy, what message does that send to the nation? With that being said, what an idiot!!!