Scab Refs are coming to the NFL


If the two sides don't hurry up and reach an agreement. The NFL and the NFL Referees Association haven't been able to reach a deal and it appears as though the NFL is drawing a line in the sand with them. All indications are that the NFL is ready and willing to start the season off with replacement Refs on the field. Individuals that supposedly have knowledge about the negotiations say they'll be surprised if there aren't games played with the subs on the field.

So what do you guys and gals think? Are you concerned if the season kicks off without our regular refs on the job? Is it going to hurt the quality of the games? Are you going to lose sleep over this?

It will not bother me as all the teams will be playing with the replacements and I won't lose a minute of sleep, I can promise you that. On my job I'd always rather have help that strives to do their best even if their experience is lacking than the 20 year hand that thinks he knows it all.
they will have to train them how to fix games for the packers quick!

seriously though they couldn't be any worse
What I'm a little afraid will happen is that they'll end up pulling the cream of the crop from the college football games. Now that I'd hate to see.
What I'm a little afraid will happen is that they'll end up pulling the cream of the crop from the college football games. Now that I'd hate to see.

I would be highly suprised to see many college umps do such a jump.

I bet it would be much like when the major league umps had their issue back in 99 and the minor league umps refused to fill in.
Every year there's one thing or other in the NFL circle of life. And like all things it will eventually get resolved and forgotten.

At least instant replay is in place to help until the regulars come back.
Every year there's one thing or other in the NFL circle of life. And like all things it will eventually get resolved and forgotten.

At least instant replay is in place to help until the regulars come back.
I agree O. I think by the time week 1 comes around they will have it worked out.....but can replacements be that much worse that we will really notice?
I dont have a problem with this. There are what...about 500,000 refs in the country who would jump on an opportunity like this?
I know one college ref who has been trying to crack into the NFL for 10 years or more. He'd jump even for a short time gig.
fantasy officiating would probably have negative points for blown calls. So even if it did exist, no one would draft ol roidface ed nyway