Ray Rice is about to be crucified

You win Miller...lol

Ravens are the WORST organization in football because they knew exactly what happened in that elevator! I can't believe RR is still playing, oh wait they actually cut him...damn... and they actually did more to RR than the NFL... oh well....
Guess better late than never Huh...... True character is what you do when no one is watching..... They head a chance to do this months ago....but instead they were busy tweeting about how the victim was sorry for her part..... Funny how that was deleted today.

From pft:
The process of scrubbing any vestige ofRay Rice from the Ravens organization has begun.

This afternoon, the Ravens finally deleted the tweet from the initial Ray and Janay Rice press conference, that charming one where they documented her apology for getting punched in the face and knocked unconscious.

Fortunately, we figured this might happen so we took a screenshot of it this afternoon when it was still up.

For the record, PR chief Kevin Byrne’s 1,200-word opus on why he likes Ray Rice is still on the team website.

That tweet might be as stark a reminder as any of how poorly they handled this case throughout.

There’s a certain element of circling the wagons a team is expected to do, but blaming the victim of domestic violence was ridiculous then, ridiculous now, and shameful even as they try to distance themselves from it.
A slap that results in a drunk losing their balance and hitting their head on the floor/railing.....( I know this isn't what happened but RR could of told them that)

Don't put this on them, they took his word. There fault was in believing him.....
Due diligence..... They failed to do theirs.

Anyways, it is what it is. Each person is going to draw their own opinion. I have mine and you have yours.
A slap that results in a drunk losing their balance and hitting their head on the floor/railing.....( I know this isn't what happened but RR could of told them that)

Don't put this on them, they took his word. There fault was in believing him.....
Even IF that's the case, that he told them that he "slapped her and she fell and hit her head", what is the difference??

What message is that really sending? Slap your wife around a little and you're welcomed back with open arms, but clinch a fist and take a swing and we'll fire you. Seems like a weird place to draw the line with such strong support on one side and utter disgust on the other.

I don't blame the Ravens. They're trying to win football games and they're definitely a better football team with Ray than without him. I'm just not going to drink this Kool Aid they're serving up about them bring so disgusted all of a sudden because they saw this video. It merely became a business decision. "Does the organization benefit more financially by keeping Ray or cutting him?"
All I know is, I'm not taking a side on this issue until I hear Stephen A Smith chime in on First Take in the morning. He should be good for some insight on this particular subject....
All I know is, I'm not taking a side on this issue until I hear Stephen A Smith chime in on First Take in the morning. He should be good for some insight on this particular subject....

Somehow the story will become about how a white man would never get treated this way and it's all because there's not enough black coaches
As opposed to what?? Of course she was punched in the head. A video being leaked changes absolutely nothing. We've known all along that he clocked his woman with force in the head.

This is absolutely ridiculous! I know I might be in the minority here, but what kind of message does this bull sh*t cowardly PR move really send??

The league and team and EVERYONE knew he punched her and knocked her out. The Ravens organization wasn't disgusted enough to do a thing about it. The the full video comes out and they go into damage control.

You can't expect me to believe that the NFL office hadnt seem the full video either. Did the casino edit the footage down and only show a part of it?? I'm not buying it. The NFL had seen this, they knew the full scope, it was being kept hidden, and now it's too late.

I'm seriously disgusted with the league right now. It's all about perception. So we all fail to remember Brandon Marshall beating up his lady?? Where's his season long ban? Where's the public outcry?? Ohhhh..there wasn't a viral video, so it's ok.

League is full of violent, drunk, weed smoking, wife beating, degenerate gamblers, and criminals, but it's only a black eye on the league if the public sees it with their own eyes. What do we expect?? Look at these muscle heads! Are we surprised by crimes from dudes who spend their careers smashing violently into eachother?? Wake up people. We LOVE the violence of the sport. How many people laughed and cheered when Antonio Brown kicked that punter in the face yesterday??
Wanted to take some time, before I responded. I appreciate your anger here, there seems to be some big misses...

However, please remember what the truth is:
1) we know she was unconscious in the elevator
2) we knew Ray Rice was involved
3) per report the lady and Ray were cited by police for this
4) SHE came forward to apologize for her involvement and causing this
5) NO we did not know how she was knocked out, all we know was she was. For all we know they were pushing each other, and she lost her balance and fell and hit her head. The point is NOT to defend Ray, but to call out the missing information.
6) We don't know if the NFL or Baltimore ever saw this tape. We know the police DID and so did Ray and his defense attorney.

Key issues are this:
1) Did the NFL or Baltimore know of this - If Yes, they are as guilty as Ray. Period. IF not WHY? Was the tape not released to them?(Casino did not have to...). Were they reacting to what the court and Ray have said and done? If so they are still at fault.
2) What the hell was the Judge thinking??? How do you see this evidence and let this off?
Everyone knew Rice knocked her out, whether it was from a punch or a slap. Even if he shoves her that is still DV especially if she happens to fall and hit her head just right and knocked unconscious. She was walking just fine to the elevator so she certainly did not pass out from drinking by the time the elevator got to their floor. If the NfL and the ravens wanted the video they could have gotten it. Knowing that at some point she was knocked unconscious why would they not look at the video in the first place?
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Everyone knew Rice knocked her out, whether it was from a punch or a slap. Even if he shoves her that is still DV especially if she happens to fall and hit her head just right and knocked unconscious. She was walking just fine to the elevator so she certainly did not pass out from drinking by the time the elevator got to their floor. If the NfL and the ravens wanted the video they could have gotten it. Knowing that at some point she was knocked unconscious why would they not look at the video in the first place?
Per the legal source at ESPN, they did not have a right to it. IT was evidence in an ongoing trial and investigation. Yes, they knew he was involved, but his story per reports from league and other players was it was self defense and she was attacking him.

Again, let me state I am not defending Rice or the league or Baltimore. All are guilty. But you can't keep looking in hindsight and assume you know what is what.
The casino just
Per the legal source at ESPN, they did not have a right to it. IT was evidence in an ongoing trial and investigation. Yes, they knew he was involved, but his story per reports from league and other players was it was self defense and she was attacking him.

Again, let me state I am not defending Rice or the league or Baltimore. All are guilty. But you can't keep looking in hindsight and assume you know what is what.

According to the casino neither the NFL or the Ravens organization approached them about the video. If TMZ is able to get a copy of the video you can't convince me that the NFL wouldn't have been able to do the same.

If they originally thought he acted in self defense why would he need to be suspended for two games?
The casino just

According to the casino neither the NFL or the Ravens organization approached them about the video. If TMZ is able to get a copy of the video you can't convince me that the NFL wouldn't have been able to do the same.

If they originally thought he acted in self defense why would he need to be suspended for two games?
because Spousal abuse is punishable. Again, he admitted his guilt, so yes we know he did something. but I really don't think Baltimore knew it was this bad, and they took ray for his word. Thier fault yes, but that is what i think
because Spousal abuse is punishable. Again, he admitted his guilt, so yes we know he did something. but I really don't think Baltimore knew it was this bad, and they took ray for his word. Thier fault yes, but that is what i think

In the article it is stated that Rice had accurately described the events shown in the video to the Baltimore organization and hadn't sugar coated or hidden anything. They knew EXACTLY what had happened. At no point did they think he was defending himself or just shoved or slapped her or whatever.

In the article it is stated that Rice had accurately described the events shown in the video to the Baltimore organization and hadn't sugar coated or hidden anything. They knew EXACTLY what had happened. At no point did they think he was defending himself or just shoved or slapped her or whatever.

I'm guessing he told them exactly what happened and they chose not to pursue the video so they could claim they never saw it and that's why it was only a 2 game suspension.

In the article it is stated that Rice had accurately described the events shown in the video to the Baltimore organization and hadn't sugar coated or hidden anything. They knew EXACTLY what had happened. At no point did they think he was defending himself or just shoved or slapped her or whatever.
it was described, but not as violently as it shows in the video, if you are going to use a quote, be accurate:
Bisciotti first saw the video on television and decided almost immediately that Rice had to be released, a source told ESPN's Ed Werder. Bisciotti called a meeting to confer with other members of the organization's hierarchy. Newsome called Rice to inform him of the team's decision. Harbaugh also spoke to Rice, while Bisciotti contacted NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

The source said that Rice admitted to the Ravens from the start that he was guilty of striking Janay and, for the most part, accurately described what they eventually saw on the video. But the brutality of the assault when seen on the security video made a different impression.

"His description was not too much different -- except it looks more violent when you see it," a team source said. "He's a likable guy, and he's done so many things the right way in his career, but he's paying for what he did and the fact there was a video. You can't erase the video."

The source insisted the Ravens had requested copies of the video through multiple sources without success. At one point, a police officer who had seen the video described what it contained to Ravens officials.

"We hadn't seen the video," the source said. "The video changes the perspective."
First of all we don't KNOW what he told the team. We know he admitted hitting her. Again, I am not condoning, nor am I belittling Baltimore's mistakes in this.

Per most legal sources, they couldn't get the film. Per TEAM (i.e. players in locker room) he said it was in self defense, as he was being attacked and reacted. That obviously was not the case. REGARDLESS his act was heinous and he deserves to be fired. You all can hunt for Baltimore's head if you want.

I personally want the damn prosecutor and judge who if they DID see the video, which they did, and STILL let this guy walk should be without jobs.
First of all we don't KNOW what he told the team. We know he admitted hitting her. Again, I am not condoning, nor am I belittling Baltimore's mistakes in this.
What more does he need to say? He admitted hitting her, and per the quotes from the folks in Baltimore, he describe the scene accurately to what the video portrayed. So yeah..we do have a pretty good idea of what he told them. They knew everything they needed to make this decision to cut him if they truly think DV is such a deplorable act.
But they don't! They care about winning football games, and if the NFL is gonna go easy on him, well then the organization got the green light to do the same. They didn't plan for the public outcry though. That's the difference between the public and team/league officials. The public isn't obsessed enough with winning to over look violence.