Proper etiquette for fantasy football and beyond


Well-Known Member
Story time, and I'm really hoping everyone weighs in here. I just shared this with my closest FF confidants, and the room was pretty split.

I'm a poker player, and every year a FF league sprouts up among my fellow gamblers. This year it was on me to get it going.

I set up an ESPN auction at the end of July, and started pulling in the owners. We moved the draft back twice to accomadate owners so everyone could be present. We settled on Tuesday night at 9 PM. A bit late, but a few guys work evenings. 2 guys had to use a few hours of vacation time from work to get this to go.

30 minutes before draft time, one of the guys calls me and says that his buddy is out. His father in law is missing, and they're dealing with the authorities. He simply can't make the draft. He won't take an auto drafted team, can't remember his login/password to pass along duties to a surrogate, and won't be able to find a replacement.

In this case, what's the right thing to do? Is a fantasy draft a commitment that you're tied to? Are you willing to screw over the other 11 guys because you refuse to pay for an auto drafted team? Or does his circumstance of a family emergency give him a free pass, and anyone made at him becomes the a-hole?
IMO he's an ass for putting you in this situation. Of course his situation is much more important.. but at the same time he should suck it up, take the auto-draft "donate" his league dues this year and wait for next year.
Just to clarify.. unless it's serious money.. if it is.. then just have a 11 team league.. with double headers. THere are also other options....
I am split here. First and foremost family HAS to come first, not ff. I love FF as much as anyone, and I run a few leagues and play in a few more, but family has to come first. So I get why the guy has dropped out.
That being said, unless money is an issue, no reason not to have lived with autodrafted team, or passed the stuff along. Then again, I get his focus is on other issues.

To me this is a you call ER. You run the league as commish you can drop him and run an 11 team league, or drop him and replace him with someone else. OR you could SET the team to autodraft and pass that team to a new owner when you find one. Either way, I can understand the other guy not worrying about ff right now.
because its an auction, I assume you can't auto draft. It also sounds like you heard second hand from a different guy. If both these are true, he isn't the ass - he has an emergency to deal with and you play with 11 guys in the league. We use league average as the extra team when we have an odd number.
Family definitely comes first. However, 1 of the other 11 owners surely knows someone who could have stepped in and drafted for him. Hell - you could have posted on any FF Forum that you need someone to just do the auction draft for him and you would have had 10 people willing to help. The fact that he couldn't remember his login makes no difference, as the commissioner, you can override anything and give the new login info to the proxy drafter.

He would then not have an auto-drafted team and would therefore still be on the hook for the dues and responsibility of running the rest of the season.