Peyton Manning


Is he someone you should start every week? He didn't do anything week 1 so should I be concerned. I normally draft a stud QB and go with him all year which has worked for me but this year is the first time I drafted Manning and wondering if I need to draft a 2nd QB?

Kaep, Palmer, Flacco, Dalton are available on WW as of today.
I will be honest, I am joining the band wagon that says Peyton is done. He just looks awful right now. He does have some type of back issue and maybe that is the issue. Not sure.

Yes, snag a back up, Palmer was fantastic, and Dalton is usually solid in season, its the playoffs where he sucks.
My homeboy works at a training facility in Denver. They do a lot of rehab work with athletes dealing with injuries. Peyton was in the building on Monday....not exactly sure what that means, but take it for what it's worth
Thanks for the advice guys. I picked up Palmer on WW. I think I'm gonna start him this week @Chicago vs Manning@KC.
Every year I go after Brady, Ryan, or Brees. This year I figured Manning since he had a big season last year. Now I wish I had stuck with my normal pllan.