Our old "pal"


Well-Known Member
I've been monkeying around at Rotoworld for a couple weeks now, getting my FF groove on, and guess who I ran into?

He's just as condescending, arrogant, and ignorant as always too. I've been going rounds with him this past week, and it's just like old times.

A debate we were having led me to dig up some old SO posts from 2013, and boy oh boy did I uncover some lovely gems.

He's advocating hard for the drafting of AP in the first round this year, and I was preaching caution. I said that the most recent situation that mirrors AP is SJax in 2013. Same age and career carry totals range. Both have been bell cow backs for offenses that have absolutely leaned on them for the better part of a decade. So I went into the 2013 archives to see what people were saying about Sjax back then.

And whatya know?? Ole Elf boy was pushing for Sjax back then too. Making the case about how much better ATL is of a situation for him, how he's going to have 16 total TDs, crazy amounts of yards, yada yada yada and completely disregarding the fact that Sjax was 30 years old. Meanwhile, he was barking about how Lesean McCoy was the worst possible first round pick anyone could make. If you were here at the time, you might remember it well.

So I went ahead and copy/pasted how incredibly wrong he was to show how he failed epically, and was advocating for people to jump blindly on AP now and set up to make the same mistake twice. It's turned into quite the ego protecting session, Ill tell you that. He then goes into archives to pull out predictions that he made that were right in order to try to counter act it. It was a pretty funny dog and pony show. He also got really mouthy about how he didn't get banned here and instead that everyone was a bunch of pussies who couldn't handle his brilliance, so he took his sage wisdom elsewhere.

The dude never changes.
I enjoyed the half season he was on the SO team. Had a lot of good input and had good reasoning behind most of it. As far as missing on Jackson and McCoy, we all have our misses and I remember a lot of "experts" pimping Jackson, so he wasn't' on an island with that pick. Christ, I was pretty high on Trent Richardson that year . Almost took him at 4 in the FFPC main event. Thank god I took McCoy instead. Would have cost me about 5K.

People just took him way too seriously. Could never understand why anyone cared that he acted like a jerk-off. All in good fun.

"Listen to the Elf, trophy on the shelf".
I'm not against opposing opinions, love to hear other viewpoints on players and strategies. His act grows old because he never stands behind his predictions, he deflects and ignores any of his past "Genius" predictions, instead of owning them. He isn't about discussion and debating merits, he's about beating his scrawny chest and declaring his so called superiority in despite of all the evidence to the contrary. The fact that he is a huge douche just seals the deal.

I laughed when he "retired' from FF because stud RBs were being phased out in favor of RBBC. He said it was too hard to predict RBs, and it was more about luck than skill. He is as big of jackass now as he was then.
Enough guys.

Can't slam a guy behind his back like this.

Lighten up or invite him back to rebut.

LOL, I've said worse to his face, figuratively of course. And to be fair, no one has said his name, it speaks volumes that everyone knows who we are talking about.
Don't say his name, DON'T!! If you say it three times ...he shows up just like Beetlejuice!!:eek:
He was an ass.. but he was an entertaining ass. Kinda like that one guy here over on the political forum. Just can't take guys like that too serious.

Exactly. He would post some shiot that would literally make me laugh out loud.

Most of the people he pissed off had a lot of the same characteristics that he had but in less abrasive ways. The need to be seen as more knowledgeable that others. Not just on this board but pretty much anywhere he posts.
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He was an ass.. but he was an entertaining ass. Kinda like that one guy here over on the political forum. Just can't take guys like that too serious.
I'm done posting on the politics section altogether because of him. That spot is turning into one guy on a soap box, screaming the same rhetoric over and over, and praying that Listener will give him attention.

It just frustrates me.
I like to read there and I wish you and German and other sane people would hang around.

Like E said about Elf. You just can't take him too seriously. You know what to expect and he DOES introduce new topics on a regular basis, as does Listener.

Both good guys just a little over zealous....

....and narrow minded, stubborn, relentless, overbearing, jaded, predictable, prejudice, etc, etc, etc. :D
I like to read there and I wish you and German and other sane people would hang around.
. :D

At some point it just becomes pointless to respond to anything from either of said posters. It's like banging your head against a wall. Instead of continuing to be trolled and get upset at the same repetitive crap, I decided to just stay away
So be it.

But I will miss your input.

Isn't it funny that we can talk so candidly about 2 of the most active posters on the forum yet have no concern that they might accidentally see what we are writing about them because they never venture outside the political arena.


"Roman Empire Still Lives With His Mother"

See....there will be no comment to those erroneous comments. :)
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At some point it just becomes pointless to respond to anything from either of said posters. It's like banging your head against a wall. Instead of continuing to be trolled and get upset at the same repetitive crap, I decided to just stay away
Yeah i gave it a good run in the politics forum.. maybe a year + of arguing everyday but after awhile its just the same ole sh!t... over and over.

It's a new year in FF though, so hopefully we can get some good discussions going soon. I know I have alot to say/ask about fantasy right about now.