NFL Eliminating the Kickoff?


In Dog We Trust
Mara: NFL closer to eliminating kickoffs

Say it isn't so. Taking it away would take away one of the most exciting plays in football i think. Nothing switches momentum faster than the KO return for a TD. Taking it away would also almost take away any chances for late last second TDs to win the game. It will still happen but teams will need more time to get into position for that winning score. And taking away the 2nd half KO and just placing the ball on the 20yd line? I don't see how they can do this, its one of the most exciting plays in football and has been part of football since day 1. Really think taking it out would change the game alot. Whats next, the NFL turns into the flag football league. Way things are going with rule changes over the years, there will be a time they get rid of the coin flip and just give the visiting team the football at the 20.
WHAT!? So, the onside kick from superbowl 44?? The hester return from superbowl 41? The Bears' chances without special teams?? in the PAST? NONONO. Haha
This is just retarded! A team down 2 scores late in the game would have ZERO shot.....leading to less exciting games and more people tuning out late.....WHY in the HELL would you even consider this. Goodell is an idiot.
Devin hester one of the most exciting return guys would be w/o a job. Sure he has the PR game but thats next to be outlawed. they are ruining the game we love slowley but surely.
Someone said that we're headed for flag football and by golly they just might be right in another couple of decades. Tekie had the best idea, remove the pads and play ball.
Remove the pads and helmet and let them play? i like it. They'd think twice before flying thru the air trying to hit someone. On the other hand, so many blown plays as they would not make a tackle afraid to get hurt and going on that, they'd have to raise the roster total up to like 83 instead. All the stubbed toes and hurt pinkys, we all know these professional athletes can't play with a boo boo. Gotta be out 4-6 weeks from just a wittle bruise. LOL
Agree to a point. These guys today aren't like the guys back in the day. Their bigger, stronger and faster but not as tough physically, IMO. Or mentally either. That can be blamed on either how the rules have changed or to the amount of money these guys get now. They get paid no matter how much they play or dont play. And that brings up my old play for pay, pay scale for players*. But not getting back into that now.

*holy cow that turned into a tongue twister.
Speaking of which, where did Peter Piper find peppers already pickled on the vine to pick?

And how did peter piper pick a peck? How did he or we for the matter know he picked a peck? guess he pulled out his peck o meter.*

*sounds dirty but wasnt meant to sound dirty.