Mike Wallace signs with Miami


5 year 60 mil with 30 mil guaranteed! The GM took a lot of heat for unloading Marshall due to financial reasons last season and since he is on his last year of his contract he is trying to spend money to keep his job. Hes got speed for days but I dont think he runs great crisp routes or has better then average hands. He will change defensive gameplans because he takes the top off the defense and Tennahill has the arm to get him the ball. Last season was a decline after 2 back to back 1000 yards receiving seasons but Miami is taking a chance on him bouncing back.
Deuce has hit the secret player!! $100,000 goes to Mr NYJ fan!
Bet ya it doesn't work out to a million dollars a touchdown. He'll make some great plays, he'll run pass defenses for a couple of years, but I just get the feeling he's all about the money. Every contract should be based on performance!
Anyone think he's worth 13 mil a yr?

Not me Miller but he caught the perfect storm for a young WR. The Vikes and the Fish both after him made it possible for him to pull in way more $$ than most think he was worth. Two desperate clubs played a huge part in his contract.
I don't know. In a vacuum I would say no. But with the re-signing of Brian hartline, and they still have Bess for the slot. If they can add a real receiving TE, like a Brandon Myers or such.... You use Wallace as the deep speed decoy to free up the others. I also think you will see more power running with L.Miller and D.Thomas.

So yes, its expensive, but if they can get a few early deep balls to Wallace, it will free up alot.