Michigan and Jim Harbaugh facing more charges


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
From PFT and ESPN articles:
It’s not looking good for Michigan or head coach Jim Harbaugh.

According to ESPN.com, the NCAA’s investigation of sign stealing by Michigan has determined that football analyst Connor Stalions bought tickets in his own name for more than 30 games at 11 different Big Ten schools over the past three years.

Stalions reportedly bought the tickets and then forwarded them to others.

In every case, Michigan was not an opponent. The games involved one or more teams that Michigan would play later in the season.

Per the report, one Big Ten school examined surveillance video from a game earlier this year, determined that the person sitting in the seat purchased by Stallions held his smartphone up and appeared to be filming the home team’s sideline throughout the game.

Stalions also had purchased, according to the report, tickets on both sides of the stadium for Saturday’s Penn State-Ohio State game. Michigan plays each team in the coming weeks.

Looks like Jim may be heading back to NFL at this rate
This story just spiked... Now there is a report out that Stallions was impersonating as a Central Michigan staffer to watch Michigan State from the sidelines in the Central Michigan vs. Michigan State game. HC from Central is pissed, and if it gets confirmed wants something done.

One report shows a picture of Stallions on the C.M. sideline
ESPN is reporting that a majority of the other Big 10 coaches want action taken against Harbaugh and Michigan for all the sign stealing stuff
Big 10 Commissioner met with AD's and University Presidents to talk Michigan, again per reports he received major pressure from the other schools to take action. Reports now stating the Commissioner will meet with Michigan once more and then NCAA before any action is taking, but there is now expectation something is going to happen and pretty soon
Stallions is out from Michigan, some reports say he was fired, others he resigned
Big 10 has notified Michigan that it has been investigating the team and plans to place some punishment on the school for rule violation of sportsmanship. This could be in place of, or added to anything the NCAA may or may not levee later on. NCAA is also investigating the issue.

Rumors are most of the punishment will be leveed on Harbaugh, potentially a season ending suspension.

Some question why not the whole team as they benefitted from the information.

Michigan has responded to the letter of intent claiming innocence - but admitted yes Stallion was stealing signals(but it was only him...) sure.....

I can see this going a few ways...

1) Big 10 says Jim Harbaugh had no knowledge of how Stallion got the info, and gets a minimal 2-3 game suspension
2) Big 10 says Harbaugh's knowledge isn't the issue, he is the HC and responsible for the whole thing and suspends him rest of season and post season if they make it(they will...).
3) Michigan gets walloped - Harbuagh done for year, team vacates wins, and won't be eligible for post season
Rules are rules, and if he broke it I guess he got what he deserved. But, it's kind of a bs rule - stealing signs should be fair game in my opinion. It's up to the coaching staff to make their signs hard to figure out and to change them as needed.
Harbaugh accepts his 3 game suspension. Big 10 has closed the investigation.
Actually that isn't correct. In a statement from the Big 10 - NOT Michigan, the Big 10 says it will maintain its investigation and aid the NCAA in its investigation as well, and expects Michigan to also comply.

This was a complete fold by Michigan. I am smelling a trip to the NFL for Harbaugh