Michael Vick gets 4 game suspension; reinstated next week

The Ram

Half Man, Half Amazing
Michael Vick will be suspended four games after being conditionally reinstated next week, according to Sal Paolantonio on ESPNews.

Vick can now sign with any team that will have him -- and participate in training camp -- but he'll then be unavailable until Week 5. Goodell reportedly told Vick that any future issues will result in stiffer punishment. Though it's not Vick's best-case scenario, it's still good news for the former felon who could have been facing a full-season suspension.

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Hes already been suspended.....why tack on four more games?

The Vikings will sign him and Favre at the same time.
OK, I was waiting to hear from the Mish' before waxing on possible locations for Vick. Here's my string theory on possible landing zones.

Carolina: Dogfighting is sick. No two ways about it. While America can mostly agree that it is a disgusting hobby there are some pockets of America that will be more tolerant than others. In the southeast the culture of dog & cock fighting is more prevalent than the West coast. Vick in places like Seattle, San Francisco, even Oakland would be more of a PR nightmare.

Vick wants to play quarterback, we all have heard that. Closing in on teams with sketchy quarterback play and you must consider Carolina first. Delhomme has been the picture of inconsistency each and every year of his career. That erratic play, his age, and his contract years make him a guy who may be expendable. Carolina also has what Atlanta had that made Vick so darn dangerous: Outstanding O line and two fully capable runningbacks.

Carolina is one of the most ideal landing spots. The Southeast is more likely to accept Vick than the West Coast. Delhomme is the starter now but not the long term answer. Vick can come in, repair his image, and get on the field during special packages this season while learning the offense. Next year he can compete for a starting role and possibly supplant Delhomme.
I see where your coming from, but it doesnt make sense to me. Its almost like saying dogfighting is worth 4 games like a drug violation or something.
I actually like this.....Goodell was going to give him something, you just knew he was. 4 games is fair considering the jail term he already served.
Its almost like saying dogfighting is worth 4 games like a drug violation or something.

Personally, I would make it more than a drug violation. Taking drugs is something you do to yourself. Forcing an animal to fight to the death is something you do to an animal that has no choice in the matter.

Of cource, I wouldn't have suspended him until the law ran it's course and a conviction was made.
Personally, I would make it more than a drug violation. Taking drugs is something you do to yourself. Forcing an animal to fight to the death is something you do to an animal that has no choice in the matter.

Of cource, I wouldn't have suspended him until the law ran it's course and a conviction was made.

Mike, He was issued a pretty severe punishment by the law. They made an example out of him with a new law. Do you honestly think that Joe Blow would have recieved that much of a sentence/punishment (prison time, loss of income, bankruptsy, etc...millions of $$) and now you want Goodell to show the legal profession where they are failing and add to the legal restitution he has already paid ??

Aren't you the guy that has been preaching what an idiot he is and how unfairly he applies these various punishments ??
My issue with Goodell's punishments is that he suspends people for things before they have been judged by a court of law, and picks and chooses who he does that to.

In my opinion, if Goodell is going to suspend players for things outside of the NFL (in other words, off the field incidents), then what the legal decide shouldn't factor in on his decision.

However, Goodell does choose to give punishment for off the field behavior on top of what the legal system gives out, and to me, this is a bigger offense than what many have done.

As far as I am concerned, when a player gets in trouble off the field, the NFL should stay the hell out of it completely.

Really simple for me. If a player goes to jail and it prevents him from doing his "job", the team owner has the right to end his contract and go after money he feel owed to him. When the player is again free, he should be wide open to play in the NFL if a team is willing to sign him. However, since the NFL doesn't follow this way of thinking, I don't think they should factor in jail time in their suspension decisions. Give the suspension in accordance to what they did, and since the NFL (Goodell) wants to suspend Vick for dog fighting, 4 games seems rather light to me, compared to the long suspensions that he has given other people.
Given the omnipotent nature of Goodell's Conduct Policy, I'm pretty sure the new NFLPA chief would be open to addressing something that would put suspensions in the hands of each team. Make it a standard blurb in every player's contract that the team owner has carte blanche to dole out suspensions (without pay) for conduct issues. ONLY if a team is obviously acting in its own interest by being blatantly lenient, then the Commmish's office can step in.
That would be my solution, but since Vick isn't currently under contract, the NFL would have to act seperately.

Sarge took the words out of my mouth. When I heard this on the radio today, I immediately thought the Vikings should roll the dice by signing Vick and leaving Mr. Sometimey (Favre) standing at the alter. Rosenfels can bridge the gap until the suspension's over. I'm still of the opinion that Vick can be a QB in the league and the Vikings are a perfect fit. Anyone else think Vick, ADP, and Percy Harvin in the same backfield would be mildly fun to watch?
Yes it would. Vick, if the skill set is there, fits that offense perfectly. Plus the fans wont mind too much because they got FAVRE!!!!!.

Also gives Vick someone to mentor with, IF Favre allows such a thing, and when he quits at the end of the year, Vick steps in.
I'm saying sign Vick and leave Favre down yonder on the John Deere. No injury worries with Mikey and he'll cost way less.
Given the omnipotent nature of Goodell's Conduct Policy, I'm pretty sure the new NFLPA chief would be open to addressing something that would put suspensions in the hands of each team. Make it a standard blurb in every player's contract that the team owner has carte blanche to dole out suspensions (without pay) for conduct issues.

If you do that teams will be trumping up punishments as seasons progress and they are out of contention to save on bonuses...