My issue with Goodell's punishments is that he suspends people for things before they have been judged by a court of law, and picks and chooses who he does that to.
In my opinion, if Goodell is going to suspend players for things outside of the NFL (in other words, off the field incidents), then what the legal decide shouldn't factor in on his decision.
However, Goodell does choose to give punishment for off the field behavior on top of what the legal system gives out, and to me, this is a bigger offense than what many have done.
As far as I am concerned, when a player gets in trouble off the field, the NFL should stay the hell out of it completely.
Really simple for me. If a player goes to jail and it prevents him from doing his "job", the team owner has the right to end his contract and go after money he feel owed to him. When the player is again free, he should be wide open to play in the NFL if a team is willing to sign him. However, since the NFL doesn't follow this way of thinking, I don't think they should factor in jail time in their suspension decisions. Give the suspension in accordance to what they did, and since the NFL (Goodell) wants to suspend Vick for dog fighting, 4 games seems rather light to me, compared to the long suspensions that he has given other people.