Leshure arrested twice in 2 months....

i dont really drink away from the house. cant get a dui sitting here. might have a drink , maybe two if im eating out but usually its just tea. and i actually have a few places i can ride my bicycle too if i want to have a few with friends. anything is better than giving the state my hard earned money and losing my cdl. and since for me, my bac can only be lower than .04 compared to .08 for regular drivers, i really have to be careful what i do.

Wow. I haven't checked this thread in a while and it's gotten interesting.

Alcohol is the only thing that I can think of that is legal yet everything associated with it is illegal or will get you in trouble.

In nearly every news story you read they make a point to say "Alcohol was involved" or "Alcohol was not involved".

"High School Student Kills 3 In Shooting Spree At Mall....however, alcohol was not involved. Faces 3 Years Probation"

"Drunken Man Shakes Fist At Wife. Faces Jail Time And Must Register As Sex Offender "

It's like it's OK as long as you aren't drunk.

Why don't cops sit in bar parking lots? Nearly everyone coming out of there is legally drunk. "No Officer, I Just Stopped In For 1 and 1/3 Beers".

I've gotten pulled over for riding my lawnmower with a beer.

Drinking is legal as long as you are alone, in your home, with the shades pulled down and the phone unplugged and even then, if your neighbor does something stupid, you will be interrogated and a note will be made that you had been drinking.

Just outlaw the stuff and quit making people think it's ok to have a beer.
funny you point that out. its so true, never really thought about it tho. every article does say it or says its pending on results. and since its associated with so much trouble, why is it still legal? oh thats right, they figured how to tax it and the money they make off dui arrests pays for our politicians w/e s with the little hot 20 somethings. people just do stupid **** when they drink. they don't seem to know their limit and stop instead drink to oblivion and get into trouble. it gets old going to bars and seeing drunken idiots fight so i just stopped going. sports bar is it for me and thats during day light hrs.
WHOA, let's tone it down with the "let's outlaw the stuff" rhetoric. They tried that. Not just here. There are plenty of fundamentalist (perhaps a theme is developing) Islamic countries that also continue to try and ban alcohol. There are certainly some things currently under prohibition now that aren't as detrimental to the social fabric as alcohol. Which could be simultaneously exploited to create new tax revenue as well as likely (perhaps only slightly) curb the overall consumption of alcohol. Back to alcohol - I sometimes feel like it exposes the true person, or perhaps that person in that very time. A lot of people are idiots. They can't handle alcohol, or their behavior while imbibing, or something of the sort. Don't punish the rest of us that can responsibly self medicate and relieve stress. I assume that was maybe a half in jest comment, tek (or perhaps not?) but this is definitely not something I can get on board with.
Not calling for a ban on alcohol Giz, but would like to see the Alcohphobes lighten up a bit.

If I accidently shoot my hunting buddy it's an accident. If I can't pass the .08 (or whatever it is) alcohol test, it's manslaughter.

If my son falls out of a tree it's an accident. If my son falls out of a tree while I was drinking, it's child neglect.

Show up at the emergency room with an injured child and it's just an injury. Show up at the emergency room with an injured child and beer on your breath and watch how fast the police show up.

The writing on the wall is crystal clear to me.

Drunk (legally, not literally) = Guilty

So if drinking is legal only as long as nothing out of the ordinary happens, then is drinking really legal?
OOOOOKKKK.... i thought it was something like that. had to make sure though. scurd me for a moment. the problem is the authorities have to treat each case the same. by making all of these alcohol laws and alcohol hysteria so prevalent, they are perpetuating a sort of self fulfilling prophecy. while it is true that some drunk parents are guilty of neglect/abuse - that doesn't mean ALL are. but they are now treated as such. you could be in a ****ty situation that isnt even your fault... and if you happen to blow more than .08 - who knows what case you might catch. very scary. and i dont agree with it at all. but i do take the necessary steps to avoid being caught in these situations. my point is, if i can do it, somebody making 7 figures SURELY has the means to avoid situations where they could be committing alcohol related infractions... in sum, i totally see your point, and agree - although in the case of a millionaire, (or something close) i don't think there is much room for excuse. going through and figuring out which laws are necessary, where to draw the arbitrary BAL line (i think some people shouldn't drive if their BAL is .01 - and probably some are just fine past .08 - in the 90s, people were only legally intoxicated @ .1 - i guess despite becoming an exponentially fatter nation we became lightweights over time), and which people are guilty of what and whether alcohol was a "factor" can be dicey - there will always be fluctuation and a blurred line.