LeSean McCoy rb Buf - allegations


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
So, wanted to cover this seperately. Why?

Well for one, I first heard this through an email blast from Footballguys.com. Since then I have received a second blast apologizing for focusing ONLY on the football issues and not recognizing the significance(if it is real) on what happened to the woman and child.

So, first lets look at what is what:

Instagram from friend of McCoy's "girlfriend" posts a picture of the "girlfriend" in question with contusions on face.
In the instagram mentioned above - the person also states that McCoy abused his child AND abused the pet dog, AND has taken steroids.
Within hours of the post - McCoy vehemently denied the charges - AND - stated he has had no interaction with the people in question for months.

Here is my issue with this....
First - if McCoy is abusive - why go to social media? Go to the Police and file charges
Second - if McCoy IS innocent - is he a dead beat dad? He does not deny the parentage of the kid, and he clearly states he has had no interaction with those "people" for months.
Third - we don't know those pictures are recent. So what if those pictures are from months ago?

Key other thing - Buffalo has stated they are investigating. However, nothing has been stated by the NFL. For a league desperately trying to fix its look on domestic issues, staying hidden on this is not a good look.

I have no idea if this is a money grab by the friend, or McCoy is what this shows. But if you don't file legal charges, then this is basically slander.



Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
And now the plot thickens.........
You simply can't make this stuff up category.

Per the "girlfriend's" lawyer(yeah she has gotten council....so legal charges may be pending....)

What may have prompted this Instagram is this:

The lady was recently robbed, and some very expensive jewelry was taken. Now was that McCoy's fault........ maybe???

Per the report filed, the burgler came in while she was home, and specifically asked for those exact type of jewelry that this lady was gifted FROM McCoy. Add to that, in the past - McCoy was demanding the return of that said jewelry, and was denied. So how did this random thief know she had it....and know exactly what she had?

The lawyer has not come out and directly blamed McCoy, but he is obviously leading there. If this comes out as true, you can kiss McCoy's NFL career goodbye.

What a mess.


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
and now more......
first the lady who posted the instegram is not the 'Girlfriend" but instead just a friend of hers....

She has removed the post, and put her account to private - but has since reposted and stated she is standing by her charges, and was forced to take the post down by the lawyer of the "girlfriend".

However, in this latest news, in the house break in, evidently the Girlfriend was also attacked....so not sure if pictures were post of that attack or not.


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
and now this..... here is the police report filed post the break in.....

from PFT:
“On July 10, 2018 at approximately 3:18 A.M., Milton Police responded to a home invasion at a residence on Hickory Pass near the Cherokee County line, the statement read. “The preliminary investigation indicates that this residence was specifically targeted by the suspect or suspects, and not a random incident. When officers arrived they found one victim who had been physically assaulted by a lone intruder.

“During the altercation, the suspect demanded specific items from the victim. An adult female victim was treated and released at North Fulton Regional Hospital. A second adult female victim also sustained a minor injury during the incident.”

this is seriously starting to look bad


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
Here is the full story from ESPN....again, key points:
McCoy has broken up with the lady, but owns the home in Georgia where this all happened.
They are currently in court to get her evicted
He has quite often asked her to leave and return the jewelry that was stolen in this heist.
She was attacked in the heist - wrists bruised for removal of bracelets and hit in head with weapon
No signs of forced entry - how did guy get in?
McCoy has removed security cameras and changed the alarm system ......

story link:Attorneys: McCoy's ex beaten in home invasion


TXL: Pimp Hand Strong
Staff member
All circumstantial. Sounds like an attempt at revenge on her part and/ or attempt to gain public/judicial favor.

But there is no concrete proof either way. All just a bunch of what ifs and maybes with a lot of circumstance involved. Will wait for concrete proof.


I'm all for waiting but the fact that the assailant asked for certain items that McCoy had been demanding back implicates him in some way at the least. Still this seems out of character for what little we think we know about this man.


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
I agree its out of character from all I have heard about him. Key to me is what Mud said on them looking for key items, the other piece is the fact Shady removed security cameras and reduced the alarm system prior to this and threatened her when she said no to the return you could be robbed. Just too much coincidence for me there.


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
I will add the other concern here is the egg on the NFL's face currently due to the mismanagement of the Jamies Winston stuff, and how they may come back into the much harder hits type stuff again. NFL can do something to Shady regardless of criminal charges or proof if they deem they can.


IF and that's a mighty big word to be so short, IF this sinks McCoy the Bills suck a big one this year. All of them.


Well-Known Member
There's a lesson to be learned here, and it's not what you think.

To all young rich NFL players: STOP MESSING WITH THESE GIRLS. Stop knocking bitches up. Stop moving them into your homes. Stop gifting them expensive items.

YOU are a commodity, and any relationship you get into is a risk. You're a target for these succubus women, and if you're not careful, they can end your career.

Don't put yourself in this spot. Stick to banging whores. Use protection. Never give out your number. Never take these women to your home. Don't get married. Hell, don't even take these bitches out on dates. Your NFL career is short. You can easy start a family when it's over if you please.


Staff member
I wonder how much the jewelry was worth, I'm betting much less than his potential future earnings playing in the NFL. If he is involved, he should be suspended just for being so stupid.


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
What amazes me...is to think IF he really was involved that it wasn't so OBVIOUS that he was involved. Now, does that prove guilt. No, it does not. Short of catching the guy who did it, or finding that stolen jewelry on McCoy.....

Still seriously?

And....I also wonder about the dead beat Dad stuff. Is he the father of the child, if so, is he legally responsible or not...and was he abusing the child as the original post stated.


TXL: Pimp Hand Strong
Staff member
Because even the woman's attorney is starting to distance herself from the original allegation that McCoy is the one that beat her like that and put her in the hospital. Now all the sudden it's robbers that he had beat her and put her in the hospital.

Already starting to fall apart


Not the way I read it Khan. I didn't read where they accused him personally of doing the beat down. If so why didn't the police report indicate they had? There's no doubt though that the person who did this had prior knowledge of who she was and what items Shady wanted returned. Now had McCoy encouraged him to do this becomes the question because if he did he's done as he should be. To me the case against him is growing stronger.