Reports say that the Dolphins, with lots of room under the cap, are expected to make a major play to sign Greg Jennings once he's loose from the Packers. Jennings has already put his house in Green Bay on the market.
maybe its me, but to me it seems his age and later injuries have decreased his production. Again, have not really dug into it, but I would still rather have Welker or Wallace.If you throw out his sports hernia year last year his ability to be on the field may be better then you are thinking.
2006 played 14 games rookie season
2007 played 13 games
2008 played 16 games
2009 played 16 games
2010 played 16 games
2011 played 13 games
2012 played 8 games
Jennings is a much better prospect than Wallace, and welker will never be seller in another uni.
"I wouldn't mind that at all," he said. "The weather's definitely nice. They have an up and coming quarterback."