i wouldn't necessarily disagree with you... that aside however this offense theyre running is only working because teams didn't think they'd actually use it. i gotta believe nfl defenses, as weak as they have become as a whole, are gonna sniff this out quick. even if they dont, 3 quarters of errant throws are totally gonna get picked. even the scoring play (yeah, there was only one) the jets sent a run blitz... one of the safeties went rogue for whatever reason leaving tebow an outside lane. ryan's scheme wasn't even faulty as many suggest, they simply didnt execute cuz a safety got too excited and followed all the inside pressure. if he had stayed home, tim tebow would be getting a mouthful of him instead of strickland getting a mouthful of tim tebow. remember the dolphins awesome wildcat innovation? and how did that go? im just sayin it cant last, and the days of watching three awful quarters and a 35 % passer get away with it are numbered. it's lasted longer than i expected to be sure, but just wait khan a buncha dudes are about to rub tebow in much the way hes rubbing you