How much stock to you put into the Wonderlic test?

16 here and I am currently in 3rd year of college with GPA of 3.95
guess I can be a WR if this school thing doesn't pan out :rolleyes:
ODU in VA and also a few classes at RCC a community college nearby.
I am 37 years old so its taking me a while :tongue:
ODU in VA and also a few classes at RCC a community college nearby.
I am 37 years old so its taking me a while :tongue:
working out some GE at the local JC is sound imho economically.
plus you get to mingle with a very adult oriented student body (bodies).

On to the Wonderlic, and here's how to solve it, if anyone gives a rip.

Take practice tests and study the answer format.
I spent way too much time reading the answers looking for tricks. There aren't any, I don't think.
Skip the word story math problem(s) and if you have time guess b on them real quick (on the wonderlic can one skip questions?).

At the same time group the questions. I bet there aren't more than 10 kinds of questions.
Look at the groups of questions and see if their answer formats are similar.

Once you know what types of answers you can have and the kind of question that goes with it you don't have to wonder how to answer the question and can just read the question knowing full well what kind of answer will be required.

And that is what this test is about - Recognition
Would like to see some coaches scores.
I'd have a tough time believing a coach wouldn't approach the wonderlic as I described above.
But that doesn't mean it wouldn't be an interesting tool during the hiring process.

Clearly the Wonderlic isn't a test of higher learning, but a test of ones competitive cognitive drive.
