Fantasy Player of the Year???

Just some more numbers for the discussion:
Basic scoring (4 pts per pa TD)
Vick - 319 (26.6 ppg) - #1 at position - 29.3 ppg in fantasy playoffs (14-16) which was #1 in the league overall.
Foster - 297 (19.8 ppg) - #1 at position - 12.7 ppg in fantasy playoffs (14-16) which was #10 for RB's.

PPR Scoring
Vick - 319 (26.6 ppg) - #1 at position - 29.3 ppg in fantasy playoffs (14-16) which was #1 in the league overall.
Foster - 361 (24.1 ppg) - #1 at position - 17.4 ppg in fantasy playoffs (14-16) which was #7 for RB's.
In the 7 leagues I am in, here are how owners of each did:
A. Both missed the playoffs
B. Vick missed the playoff; Foster lost in first rd (week 14)
C. Vick won championship; Foster missed playoffs
D. Vick in finals with big lead; Foster lost in first round (14 & 15) - 2 week playoff match-ups
E. Vick lost in Rd 1 (week 14); Foster won championship
F. Vick won Championship; Foster missed playoffs
G. Vick lost in Semi's (week 15...don't ask me how, lol); Foster lost in finals

So of the 7, looks like Vick is going to be on the championship team in 3 of the 7. Foster only 1. Foster's teams missed the playoffs in 3 of the 7 while Vick only missed in 2 of the 7.
I gotta vote Brady overall. Most TD's (34) with only 4 picks let's give it to Mr. Aggressive, aka Peformance-Enhancing Drugs (PED) Poster Child, Tom Brady!

He played every game with a 109.8 rating. And the argument could be made that QB is such an important position that good ones are much more valuable than other players week in and week out.
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if you are talking NFL MVP, yep, I'm right there with ya.....but fantasy MVP....not a chance.....he can't even beat Vick's number's with 3 extra games!!! No thanks!
No question .. Brady.. Vick and Foster were on my fantasy team. Lost the bowl game by 1 point. The thing to me is those 3 games missed are very important. I lost my game with Vick when he got hurt and ended up with 49 passing yards. I was also in a bind when he missed the next 3. So that's 4 games out of a 13 week fantasy season that Vick did not help me win. Brady contributed every week. It's all about winning right? I don't care how many points you get me every week if your gonna be totally useless for 4 of those games. With that said Foster also beats out Vick for those same reasons.