DukDown...Bill is Due!

and just to make sure it's fair, I gave everyone who participated in this thread a million vbucks. Woo-hooo.

Rats, Some of us just feel it is better to let stuff like this die on the vine instead of picking the fruit. You have to leave something in the pot a long time to make a stew. Sometimes it is just better to throw it out

I agree with Bomb.


i say you back up a statement that is made. no disclaimers later on.

So seriously.....what the frick, dude? Why the hostility? Are you mad that duk had your Man Card revoked b/c you were showing unrequited man-love for Adam Lambert? Or are you just trying to be King-Ding-A-Ling?

Duk made no disclaimers. I really think you should go back and read the posts in question here....located in the Jsmith Team Grades thread.
My bad. I thought you told me you were when we were doing the scoring for King-Ding-A-Ling's Playoff game. I must not have been paying attention.

Ahh, Yes then. Math/Science over English for sure. The Piracy/Hijacking is in my Bloodline

If I wanted any shit from you, I'd squeeze your head.

With those vice-like thighs, i can't wait!!! Um,...let me rephrase that...

Ah well....a woman of many talents offering me her services. What a country!

But, back to the real world, :lawn:
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It has come to my attention that my last two threads might have ruffled some feathers. I guess its not that easy to combine sarcasm and a genuine hilarity to threads that carry a sort of, as was stated before, pompous attitude.

I didnt mean to be pompous nor condescending. I initially meant this as fodder to laugh about and what not. On the occasions I felt said fodder was turning personal, I returned the favor.

But the fact of the matter is that I really enjoy this site. Its a solid forum and I really enjoy alot of the insights and posts and features.

So having said that I will eat a large portion of my own crow for being less than cordial in some aspects and will rise above the im-man-turity that took over temporarily.

Sorry again, and I hope we keep up all the great posts and discussion.