Colorado State FB players suspended

messed up. they should be formally charged , spend time in jail, do community service, pay all medical bills, kicked off team and out of school and a 3 year ban from any college for enrollment and make them after that have to start all over as freshmen. make an example so it will deter others doing the same thing.
they are adults, responsible for their own actions.

would it mitigate if you could show these adults were misguided?

I sure hope not.

on the other hand, maybe their coach told them to do it
Jails are full enough. don't need more of my tax money to house 3 guys for ever for just beating someone up. yes it was a hate crime(and thats how they should be charged) and it wasn't right. But there are much worse people out there that deserves those beds and behind those bars. Why not rehabilitate instead. Make them learn from what they did was wrong and not the answer of lock them up and throw away the key. Being locked up just makes a criminal a better criminal. I still believe they should do time but not the death sentence. And what good would it be to just lock them up for a long time? eventually they get out, now they got no skills or hope in real life and just have become bigger criminals, even more dangerous. Everybody deserves a 2nd chance in life. If we threw everybody in jail for 1 mistake, **** there wouldnt be anybody around in public.
that's the point... hopefully they get beaten and raped by somebody bigger and dumber.... jails are full, yes. the people to let walk as a result are not the violent random vicious beating type. maybe let non violent, lower class "drug" offenders go first? and i didnt say death penalty, but im not far off that honestly. rehabilitation, especially in the penal system, is a joke. these guys are violent and hurting people. bad. your jails are full enough argument totally applies in many cases - but NOT here. if anyone deserves to be kept in jail it's violent random psychopaths... why would you want them out????
People get beat up every day and those offenders still walk the street.. Is it because the victims were gay is why such a harsh sentence on them? So your saying you never beat up somebody your whole life? So why weren't you put into jail, your, as you considered it, a violent person in society. How can that situation be different? Bottom line somebody gt beat up. Oh wait the one any of you beat wasn't gay so that makes it right.
I was unaware of the gay thing. So no, that didn't weigh in. An offensive, unprovoked attack of defenseless victims who don't fight back; the severity of the beatings and subsequent injuries... this is what makes it a "jailable" offense.
jail for those tried and convicted of battering for sure.

as for this particular incident, we can't possibly have all the facts since it has not gone to trial.

i'm not for jailing those tried in the media.

and, isn't it about time to revisit "hate crimes"?
i mean, if a bunch of gay men pounded a straight guy for being straight, is there such a thing as a hate crime on straight people?
you talk about this as if it's a problem in our society.

But if that did happen then yes it should be a hate crime.

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Were the victims actually gay?

According to first news accounts of incident the answer is yes.

I was unaware of the gay thing. So no, that didn't weigh in. An offensive, unprovoked attack of defenseless victims who don't fight back; the severity of the beatings and subsequent injuries... this is what makes it a "jailable" offense.

Defenceless? nobody is defenceless unless they choose to be. So i don't by that. Everybody has the right and ability to fight back. They chose not to. Severe? only pictures i've seen is a dude with a black eye. Not severe to me i think. Is it being labeled severe because of the size difference of the people involved? What if the "gay" guy bit one of the assailants and later it comes out he has aids. Now does he get charged with assault, attempted murder or self defence. By law if a person with aids gives another person aids w/o telling said person he has aids, then it is a felony offence. No it didn't happen and its just a made up incident.

you talk about this as if it's a problem in our society.

But if that did happen then yes it should be a hate crime.

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But it does happen in our society every day and its a big problem. Its called bullying.
jail for those tried and convicted of battering for sure.

as for this particular incident, we can't possibly have all the facts since it has not gone to trial.

i'm not for jailing those tried in the media.

and, isn't it about time to revisit "hate crimes"?
i mean, if a bunch of gay men pounded a straight guy for being straight, is there such a thing as a hate crime on straight people?

Well said. Hit it right on the nail right there. Alot of speculation out right now, until the facts come out, who are we to judge them. This could end up having a spin to it. Maybe the victims provoked the bullyies earlier or just said something to them wrong earlier. Either way, not condoning the incident, violence is never the answer, but not ready to hang 3 guys for something i only know about that has come thru the media.
fair enough... all i know is the media story. But 3 huge, well trained, probably well "supplemented" athletes vs a couple regular college douchebags (whether or not they're gay) especially if unprovoked and randomly timed, as seems to be the case here, is as one sided as it gets and the kids attacked are very defenseless. if one of em had aids and bit his assailant good for him. If the attack was totally unprovoked for sure.