Glad I can help make you agonize over this as much i do my movesDAMMIT MILLER!!!
I had just gotten comfortable with keeping him. :xpissed:
What about CJ3 and DJax5 for Rice4 and McCoy5.
I could then keep Gore1, Rice4, McCoy5 and Greene16 and have my 2 & 3 picks left for WRs. Look for a QB and TE in 6 and 7.
Or should I ....AHHHHHHHH :runaround:

I don't do this one. What I liked about the other was getting 2 top players for one, and getting one for a 16 in Miles! This one here your giving up DJax for McCoy, don't like that.
Miles(16) & Rice(4) for CJ(3) gives you a 1 round bump from the 4th to 3rd and allows you to keep Austin for nothing.
This one get the one rd bump, but you lose a better player in Jackson for the same rd value in getting McCoy.