Cecil the Diesel Collins, the biggest waste of talent ever?


LONG GONE: Cecil Collins looks back on a life unfulfilled
By Dave Hyde • Gannett News Service • July 15, 2009

IMMOKALEE, Fla. — Cecil Collins looks back on the way he was then: a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. He wants to talk some sense to him — to respect his talent more, and stay off South Beach because, “It’ll suck you bone dry.”

LONG GONE: Cecil Collins looks back on a life unfulfilled | thenewsstar.com | The News Star

I'm telling you that this guy was a stud. I've been going to LSU game since '75 and I've never seen any better college RB play in that stadium, not for the Tigers or anyone else.

Do y'all remeber the Diesel?


You had to rub it in, huh?

Not meaning to rub it in at all DD. I was a fan of the Fish in those yeaars. It has to be one of the bigeest waste of talents ever in the NFL. That preseason with the Dolphins he looked like he did when he starred for LSU. I'm glad to see someone remembered him. I was surprised to see the story about him in todays local paper.


Bacon=greatest of all!
The article didn't say it but didn't he break in one of those women's houses and take a dump in the closet?

He wasn't a young stupid kid, he was a weirdo social moron.


The article didn't say it but didn't he break in one of those women's houses and take a dump in the closet?

He wasn't a young stupid kid, he was a weirdo social moron.

I never heard the dump story but he was guilty of breaking into a couple of other womens rooms. He claimed he liked to watch them sleep. It's a crazy life story and someone should write a book on it. Kids need to know that sometimes all of the talent in the world won't keep them out of the big house.


Staff member
Najeah Davenport is the player who got drunk and wound up in a woman's dorm room and took a dump in her closet.

Collins had talent, but nothing extraordinary.

Zombie Wolf

New Member
Wow ! a blast from a highly wishful past !! As a life long dolphin fan I also had great hopes and expectations for the Diesel !! I even drafted him in my Fantasy football league back then thinking I had a Huge Stud in the stable .... MY GOD ! what a let down and a total shock when he was arrested for such a weird situation .... Major waste of TALENT !!! Talent wise reminds me of Maurice Clarett also ! what the Hell were these guy's thinking ??? ZW