Bradshaw and Indy working on deal

We'll see. I think more like 240 carries (assuming full schedule of games) He will get goalline carries too, so I think 4-6 TDs in low. I can't predict injury so I will assume 16 games. He has missed 12 in the last six years, so maybe I should project 14 but doesn't work for me that way.

Will make redraft day a bit more interesting anyway.
I like him in Indy, and I like him in that offense and his ability to catch for Luck. But I think Indy likes Ballard, and a grounding it out offense as well.

Still, I love how cheap I got him in Hired Guns, and using him as a flex or fill in for my main two Rbs makes me very happy :banana1:
I like him in Indy, and I like him in that offense and his ability to catch for Luck. But I think Indy likes Ballard, and a grounding it out offense as well.

Still, I love how cheap I got him in Hired Guns, and using him as a flex or fill in for my main two Rbs makes me very happy :banana1:


Just curious to see if I am insanely optimistic.

Just curious to see if I am insanely optimistic.

Not sure yet. I want to see him practice and see how the foot is doing. IF he is healthy, I can see 1000yrds rushing. But its the receiving part I am not sure with.
The only worry is that he lasted till after the draft to be signed. If the injury was behind him I feel like a team would have picked him up earlier. I don't see 16 games. I see 800/5-6 tds
Bradshaw is still in a walking boot 5 months after his surgery! That sure doesn't sound like a good thing!
Sound precautionary to me, but I'm assuming Indy did their due diligence, so I could be wrong..................
The boots precautionary...Bradshaw is a beast and one of the toughest RB's in the league. I believe he will have a fantastic season. 1200 and 10 tds..... bold yes, but the colts offense is only getting better.
you don't where a walking boot as a precaution.....that doesn't men he won't be fine, but it does man the it's not healed 5 months don't year an injury that doesn't exist....
you don't where a walking boot as a precaution.....that doesn't men he won't be fine, but it does man the it's not healed 5 months don't year an injury that doesn't exist....

Actually you do.

Guys who play with foot injuries will wear them all during the week when not practicing. It helps heal the foot............
Lol, you just made my point.....IT HELPS HEAL THE FOOT

5+ months after the injury.....a little odd its still healing. When you are taking measures to heal, its not a precaution, youbare still recovering. So a 3-4 month injury is still healing 5-6 months later.

Just worth noting, you make your own decision on how worried to be, but its not a precaution, its part of the recovery that mwould expect that he would be past by now if things were on schedule. Makes more sense now why he lasted so long if he is still in a boot.
Lol, you just made my point.....IT HELPS HEAL THE FOOT

5+ months after the injury.....a little odd its still healing. When you are taking measures to heal, its not a precaution, youbare still recovering. So a 3-4 month injury is still healing 5-6 months later.

Just worth noting, you make your own decision on how worried to be, but its not a precaution, its part of the recovery that mwould expect that he would be past by now if things were on schedule. Makes more sense now why he lasted so long if he is still in a boot.

But players who are playing every Sunday will wear boots during the weak to help them heal further. Nobody said Bradshaw is 100 percent and in no need of additional therapy, but the fact that he is wearing a boot does not mean he isn't ready to go. Just means the boot will help his progress to being closer to 100 percent.

I may be naive but why would Indy sign him even to a cheap, incentive laced contract if they didn't feel he was ready to go?

Time will tell I guess..................
Deuce is dead on..there is really nothing to lose for them. They got him on the cheap and if he continues to improve, they could have a contributor to a nice young offense....if not, what are they out? Ballard is solid, but Brown sucks, so thi is worth the risk.

You could also ask your self why teams like Pittsburgh, GB, Cincy and others went with unproven rookies over him if there were no concerns....

This is a gamble by Indy.....and a good one, but like all gambles, there is still a good chance it does not work out as they had hoped.
Deuce is dead on..there is really nothing to lose for them. They got him on the cheap and if he continues to improve, they could have a contributor to a nice young offense....if not, what are they out? Ballard is solid, but Brown sucks, so thi is worth the risk.

You could also ask your self why teams like Pittsburgh, GB, Cincy and others went with unproven rookies over him if there were no concerns....

This is a gamble by Indy.....and a good one, but like all gambles, there is still a good chance it does not work out as they had hoped.

I do agree with you and Duece. But I will say this. Obviously they are not thrilled with Brown. I don't think they are thrilled with Ballard either, if they were, they would not have done this move IMO. That being said, I do think that Bradshaw is best in a share situation. Change of pace type game. In this offense, with Luck looking to outlet, he could have a solid year in RBBC with Ballard. I think an 800-1000yrd rush, 40 or so receptions could happen if his foot heals and he can play.
GB, Cinci, Denver and Pittsburgh (good teams looking hardest at Bradshaw) all drafted RBs in the 2nd round, so a philosophy difference IMO to spend a high pick on youth, not a reflection on Bradshaws health. Also, at that point, Bradshaw was probably asking for more money since there were more teams interested. Once teams took themselves out of the mix by drafting a RB fairly high, reality hit and he was available for cheap and went to the team that gave him the best opportunity to start and work towards a better contract in 2014.

Back to the initial point of this part of the discussion, I don't think wearing a boot at this point as a precaution is worrisome. If he's still wearing it in a month, then yeah, bigger red flag.

I think he is going to be a great value this year, especially if the injury concern lingers in the minds of FF players...........
GB, Cinci, Denver and Pittsburgh (good teams looking hardest at Bradshaw) all drafted RBs in the 2nd round, so a philosophy difference IMO to spend a high pick on youth, not a reflection on Bradshaws health. Also, at that point, Bradshaw was probably asking for more money since there were more teams interested. Once teams took themselves out of the mix by drafting a RB fairly high, reality hit and he was available for cheap and went to the team that gave him the best opportunity to start and work towards a better contract in 2014.

Back to the initial point of this part of the discussion, I don't think wearing a boot at this point as a precaution is worrisome. If he's still wearing it in a month, then yeah, bigger red flag.

I think he is going to be a great value this year, especially if the injury concern lingers in the minds of FF players...........

I would argue what Cincy, GB and Denver and Pittsburgh did, i think reflects the new mentality of the NFL. Rbs can be had later and are only serviceable for so long, so go late rounds and draft young kids to fill in.
I also agree that Bradshaw in a boot now is not a really bad sign.

That all being said, and as a Bradshaw owner in one league, I will consider myself from Missouri and believe it when I see it.

He could be a huge dynamic for that team. The positives greatly outweight the negatives. But I want to at least see or hear he is practicing
I would argue what Cincy, GB and Denver and Pittsburgh did, i think reflects the new mentality of the NFL. Rbs can be had later and are only serviceable for so long, so go late rounds and draft young kids to fill in.
I also agree that Bradshaw in a boot now is not a really bad sign.

That all being said, and as a Bradshaw owner in one league, I will consider myself from Missouri and believe it when I see it.

He could be a huge dynamic for that team. The positives greatly outweight the negatives. But I want to at least see or hear he is practicing

All those teams went 2nd round, which isn't "late round", especially when the new trend is to devalue RB value in the draft, but i definitely see where you are coming from. RBs in the first round used to be very common, but now, unless the player is a true standout physically such as a guy like Richardson, early to mid first is rare. On occassion, a team will reach based on need (Matthews comes to mind) but 2nd round is generally where you see good RBs go recently.

Of starting RBs, only 12 are 1st rounders (I don't count Ingram as a starter). Just found it interesting as the perception this year (myself included) was the RB class was weak since nobody went until mid 2nd, but in reality, that's kind of the prime spot now.
Ok, lets say bradshaw is ok and gets 65-70% of the work. Whats his trade value in 7 keeper ppr league? If I keep him. he'll cost me 1st rounder, but I dont think I need him. Got Spiller and McCoy as my main guys. I could use a TE or WR, so what kind of guy can I hope for in a trade? AND would you wait until pre-season is nearly over or get what u can now?