Bengals falling short of criminal quota: Sign Tank Johnson


Who Dey
damnit....I saw they were talking.....the Bengals actually have been pretty damn clean lately and despite the attempt of some to make them to be worse of a problem then the reality is they had about 18 months where they had a lot of issues (most around 2 players). Outside of that the issues have been nothing compared to a lot of other teams.....HOWEVER......their perception is what it is, and unfortunately perception is reality.......WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS GIVEN YOUR PERCEPTION????? He's not that good of a damn player.....I just don't get this one.


Who Dey
yeah....very well could. This could bring three players into the forefront IMO if Monroe and Jason Smith are gone:
1. Orakpo - Still have a need at DE
2. Oher - could they be the ones to reach? Obvious need and he has been in for a visit.
3. Crabtree - They say no.....but if they do trade COC Crab could end up in Bengal stripes.


I like Orakpo now slightly over Raji due to this signing and the pee test. Even if they don't deal Chad, Crabtree makes sense anyway. Coles and Ocho aren't spring chickens, and Henry is a speeding ticket away from a lifetime ban.


Who Dey
they invested quite a bit into the pups from last year's draft, I can see them giving them another year to see how they develop. The 2nd round kid, Jerome Simpson has spent the winter in Cali working with the same coach that worked with COC and TJ Housh. He is raw, but has a ton of raw talent.

Sgt John

Sith Lord of T&A
Rack would make a great Bengal. You can rest assured he wont be slapping women, driving drunk, or whatever else it normally takes to wear the stripes.


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
I still think Miller is somewhat blinded here.

First, he has been one of the few who thought Bengals would take Raji. Fact is DT isn't as large a need at Oline and DE. With the signing of Tank, you can kiss a Raji pick goodbye. Oh, and for those who think this is a big deal....if Raji has smoked pot...he would be raked by fans for trouble maker as well.
Second, I still think the rumors are way too prevalent to not believe Chad is gone. I think the issue is the team really screwed up last year by not taking the 2 first round picks Washington offered. They probably need a team that will offer a player that folks know...and want plus a pick to make the deal at least pallateable. If Ocho is traded then I think the pick will be Crabtree if he is there, or OT if he is not. Andre Smith is still well thought of by Cincy.
Lastly, if things stand as status quo....then I think they take OT. I don't see them using another first round pick on Def. again. OL is to much a need.

So I would expect the pick to be Smith....or a trade down so they can get Smith.

Sgt John

Sith Lord of T&A
Come on Phic.....the last thing this team needs is a guy with MORE character issues. You think ASmith is a long term solution?


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
Come on Phic.....the last thing this team needs is a guy with MORE character issues. You think ASmith is a long term solution?
He is what he is, a road grater. For a team that wants to re-establish a power running game, he would be a fine fit. No rule says he has to play LOT, they need ROT as well, especially if Collins goes to LOT.

As far as character issues.....stupidity isn't a fatal least not as much as some on this team already.


Active Member
I don't know that Smith has the heart or desire to succeed in the NFL. If the guy can't even summon the intestinal fortitude to buckle down and prepare for his pro day after completely blowing his combine, what's he going to do during training camp in a hot Ohio River Valley summer? I wonder how Dick Satan tolerated the guy, honestly.

If there's ever a case to be made for a rookie receiving a contract with only minimums guaranteed and a boatload of performance incentives, Andre Smith is it.


Who Dey
I still think Miller is somewhat blinded here.

First, he has been one of the few who thought Bengals would take Raji. Fact is DT isn't as large a need at Oline and DE. With the signing of Tank, you can kiss a Raji pick goodbye. Oh, and for those who think this is a big deal....if Raji has smoked pot...he would be raked by fans for trouble maker as well.
Second, I still think the rumors are way too prevalent to not believe Chad is gone. I think the issue is the team really screwed up last year by not taking the 2 first round picks Washington offered. They probably need a team that will offer a player that folks know...and want plus a pick to make the deal at least pallateable. If Ocho is traded then I think the pick will be Crabtree if he is there, or OT if he is not. Andre Smith is still well thought of by Cincy.
Lastly, if things stand as status quo....then I think they take OT. I don't see them using another first round pick on Def. again. OL is to much a need.

So I would expect the pick to be Smith....or a trade down so they can get Smith.
And I still think you are somewhat blinded here.....and will be as long as COC is in town.

And one of a few?? Well more had Raji than Smith...Also, if the pot test is true I'm on record saying the Raji pick has to go as well.....just can't take the risk no matter what the talent is. Hearing it is not true though so who knows.

Now to the have written COC out of town for two years now....and that is what is blinding here. COC could be traded...but I think the chances are at about 30%. Now that there are more're positive....AGAIN that he'll go! Just like the other times right???

As far as bigger need, before this bad signing I still feel DT was a bigger need. DE is a need as well, but I just personally felt Raji was a better prospect that Orakpo...just a personal preference.

Now as far as OT, it's the #1 want, they are praying Monroe or J Smith fall, I just don't see it. A. Smith and Oher are next and sorry, not saying they won't take A. Smith, they very well may, but he's a BUST. BRUSH FIRE! If they are smart, they will stear clear.

As far as this move, I don't care about how it effects the draft, they are simply stupid for bringing in another guy with a past like his into the locker room. If it is not for that, I'd liek the move. Fill a need, allows them to concentrate on another on draft day. IMO, they have not filled a need though, you can't count on him, one issue and he's gone. So you still need a young DT....

As of now, my personal wish list for that pick is now:
Jason Smith
Eugene Monroe
Brian Orakpo
BJ Raji
Michael Oher

3-5 are all basically even for me, and I could go with any of the 3 assuming Raji did not fail the drug test. If he did, remove him from the list completely.


Who Dey
He is what he is, a road grater. For a team that wants to re-establish a power running game, he would be a fine fit. No rule says he has to play LOT, they need ROT as well, especially if Collins goes to LOT.

As far as character issues.....stupidity isn't a fatal least not as much as some on this team already.
But laziness and no motivation is.......BRUSH FIRE


Active Member
But laziness and no motivation is.......BRUSH FIRE

Exactly. If somebody wanted to guarantee me millions, I'd be on the field every down in all three phases earning every red cent. I don't know that I've ever seen such a lack of motivation in an individual. On the other hand, it says something about his talent level that he's even considered draftable any more, much less as a first round pick. Now if only he'd grow a pair he'd be a Hall lock from day one.


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
And I still think you are somewhat blinded here.....and will be as long as COC is in town.

And one of a few?? Well more had Raji than Smith...Also, if the pot test is true I'm on record saying the Raji pick has to go as well.....just can't take the risk no matter what the talent is. Hearing it is not true though so who knows.
Of all the mocks I have seen, and all the sites I have visited for the forum wide mock draft, I can count on one hand the number of "folks" who have Bengals taking Raji. Even before the marijuana scare. I understand the thought behind it....but I don't see it happening.

Now to the have written COC out of town for two years now....and that is what is blinding here. COC could be traded...but I think the chances are at about 30%. Now that there are more're positive....AGAIN that he'll go! Just like the other times right???
Uh no, this is just plain wrong. In fact when all the trade rumors were floating last year I was the one telling folks why they intended to keep COC. I am not biased to COC. I actually like the way he plays. But I also think that this year....they have finally decided it is time to set this team up the way Lewis wants. So if they get a decent offer...I am betting he is gone. I obviously could be wrong...evidently they did try hard to resign T.J. Still, even in that they waited to the last possible moment to really try......could it have been knowing he would go if the offer was right elsewhere?

As far as bigger need, before this bad signing I still feel DT was a bigger need. DE is a need as well, but I just personally felt Raji was a better prospect that Orakpo...just a personal preference.
Really? I think a real DE who can pressure the Qb is much more needed. It would really make the Dbs much, much better.

Now as far as OT, it's the #1 want, they are praying Monroe or J Smith fall, I just don't see it. A. Smith and Oher are next and sorry, not saying they won't take A. Smith, they very well may, but he's a BUST. BRUSH FIRE! If they are smart, they will stear clear.
Yes, I fully agree...if Smith or Monroe are there...they are obvious choices. As for Smith...let me say this. There was absolutely NO bad press or issues with this kid till he pulled a brain fart at the combine. Now everyone is questioning his work ethic. You all may be right. Only time will tell. My gut tells me this kid got bad advice from his agent...and is now stuck on that. We will have to see what happens when he gets drafted.

As for the actual is the rumors I have heard:
OT - Andre Smith...yes sarge I still have him rated higher than Oher..who is the next OT on the board. Smith and Monroe will be gone I think.
DE - Orakpo is an option...but I see him more a blitz Lb in a 3-4 than a hand down DE in a 4-3. So who knows. If they decide to toy with the could happen. Everette brown or Maybin also could be the choice if there.
Rb - Yep...alot of folks are running with the Knowshon visit.
Wr - Crabtree could be there. Would not be a bad choice.

I also hear rumbles that the Bengals could trade down. If Orakpo, Crabtree and Stafford is there...this could happen. It would be a great move by move down and still get the DT, DE or OT they want.

As far as this move, I don't care about how it effects the draft, they are simply stupid for bringing in another guy with a past like his into the locker room. If it is not for that, I'd liek the move. Fill a need, allows them to concentrate on another on draft day. IMO, they have not filled a need though, you can't count on him, one issue and he's gone. So you still need a young DT....
I agree, I don't like the move either. It makes no sense to clearly they could have gotten Raji at #6 to fit that need. Which is again why I don't think they intended to do that.

As of now, my personal wish list for that pick is now:
Jason Smith
Eugene Monroe
Brian Orakpo
BJ Raji
Michael Oher

3-5 are all basically even for me, and I could go with any of the 3 assuming Raji did not fail the drug test. If he did, remove him from the list completely.
The Bengals really need the OL help. IF they cannot get Smith or Monroe.....then I agree at #6 they have to look elsewhere. If they could trade down...and get Oher where he deserves to be taken...that also would be great.

As for Orakpo......meh. Honestly, I think Maybin or Brown are better. Just me.

I also think getting Crabtree, to learn with COC there...or if COC is traded would be a solid pick as well.

RB can be gotten I agree with you no Moreno or Wells.

I am a line guy. Your team is only as good as you Oline or Dline. So if Monroe or Smith are gone, and they cannot trade down...then they need a Maybin, Brown or Orakpo. IMO.


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
I agree, I don't like the move either. It makes no sense to clearly they could have gotten Raji at #6 to fit that need. Which is again why I don't think they intended to do that.

The Bengals really need the OL help. IF they cannot get Smith or Monroe.....then I agree at #6 they have to look elsewhere. If they could trade down...and get Oher where he deserves to be taken...that also would be great.

As for Orakpo......meh. Honestly, I think Maybin or Brown are better. Just me.

I also think getting Crabtree, to learn with COC there...or if COC is traded would be a solid pick as well.

RB can be gotten I agree with you no Moreno or Wells.

I am a line guy. Your team is only as good as you Oline or Dline. So if Monroe or Smith are gone, and they cannot trade down...then they need a Maybin, Brown or Orakpo. IMO.
Actually, I change my mind here.

I think this could be a good move. It now gives them Shirley, Peko and one other who escapes me to go with Tank for the rotation. He is only 27 years old, and has been totally clean for the last two years in Dallas of all places.

Now, add to all this one other juicy rumor. According to and Michael Smith....the Eagles are talking, or have talked to Bengals about Chad.

Just think, if they could even get the lower first round pick for Chad, they could go Crabtree, get maybe Oher or Betton at OT..and still take Mack or some Center in the second round. That would be a damn fine draft.

Also, I am not a huge rumor fan. Don't get me wrong, I love to read about rumors...and think the speculation.....but most of us know it is just that rumors. However, I am also a person that believes where there is way too much smoke there is fire. There is simply too much talk about trading Chad. I honestly expect, and yes I will freely admit if I was wrong...that Chad may be gone during or before the draft.

Now, as an Eagles fan....I could live with Chad there. It would calm down McNabb. Allow the team to focus on need like OT. Plus grab RB in the second round. Win for all.


Who Dey
You've been listening to Lance today...;)

I still don't like the move, but will have to live with it, it's not the worst thing in the world. The other DT you were looking for is Sims who could be a good one. Peko, Sims, and Tank are a good rotation in theory. This will also make the ends better if we can get a push up the middle to disrupt the pocket for Gathers and Odom.

Overall, after reading all of your responses I think were actually mostly on the same page. Biggest difference we have is on Raji (not sure what Mocks you were looking at, even past drug rumor I looked at a mock database last night when I wrote this and saw Raji's name all over....obviously many will change now, but I was far from being on an island with that thought) and the public opinion on it. But that is a dead horse at this point. The other is Smith. You stated that pre-combine there were no issues.....sorry Phic that is simply not the case. Any diehard draftnic is going to tell you there were large concerns over his maturity, drive, and dedication going into the combine. he has had major weight issues in the past and at times has times keeping it under control. The combine simply was the fire behind all the smoke and served as the proof for all the speculation. I would not touch him as a first rounf draft pick, that is just me.

The rest we are basically on or close to being on the same page. From the weakness at DE/DT, I just think Gathers and Odom are a little better than most if they can have some help in the middle. But I see your concerns there as well. Really at this point I would take DT off the board completely this year. On COC, I agree he "could" be opinion is that Brown will want too much. If Philly comes with both firsts or something stupid like that, it could happen, but they won't and COC will be a Bengal again this season is my guess. But that's all it is on either end, is a guess at this point.
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Remote Controller

Well-Known Member
Please believe me here. I clicked on this thread to read it, saw one of Phicins epic quote jobs, preceded to the bottom to find out what was the last thing said, and saw where Runnicks edited Miller's post. I am not complaing about that, but just wondered how that happened???? Remember............I'm old an slow!!:grin: